Oh ne, ve hinvio "Benpedia" si broi inn razny logo, čak ennie jest simmen. Háre 154 (sto-četridéspéd) artikels čak ne radam na lai sovi kragam. Oh no, it's called "Benpedia" and uses a different logo, but the concept is the same. It has 154 articles but I don't work on it as much I'd want to.
Йест шасту, Протрискайо йезик на енциклопидйо, но ону хопито Протрискайо старой. (lit.: There are pieces, Protrichskan-GEN language on encyclopedia-ACC, but it has-3RD-SING Protrichskan-ACC old)
There are portions of the Protrichskan language on a encyclopedia, but they all contain the former version of Protrichskan.
Dyilya-Dylya, from the mountains to here Santa is coming to us quickly Bell is ringing kyil-kyil-kyl, We are anxiously awaiting for him, Dyilya-Dylya-Kyilya-Kyl-Kyili-Kyili-Kyil-Kyl, We are anxiously awaiting for him! Wishes wished, gifts are wrapped, the Christmas tree is decorated, But where is Santa? DyiL-Dyilya-Kyil-Kyil-Kyl-Dyili-Dyili-Dyil-Dyil-Dyl, Dyilya-Dylya-Kyil-Kyil-Kyl!
Мокрика рика што, тешо внотри Протриско востокнит. Йест знаменит так бо, рико нациянит протриский. Столица протрискайи, Мокрикаград, стоято на рика, откода город доставато оног има.
(lit.: Mokrika river that, flow-3RD-SING inside Protrichska-ACC eastern. (It is) famous (like that) for, river-ACC national Protrichska-GEN. Capital Protrichskan-FEM-GEN, Mokrikagrad, stand-3RD-SING on river-ACC, where city receive-3RD-SING 3RD-SING-GEN name-ACC.)
Етимология Име рикий «Мокрика» итино прасловиниск *mokrь «тешенина» и *rěka «рика».
(lit.: Name river-GEN "Mokrika" come-3RD-SING-PAST Proto-Slavic [Ř] 'liquid' and [Ř] 'river')
The Mokrika (Protrichskan: Мокрика, IPA: [mokɾɨkə]) is a river that flows through eastern Protrichska. It is widely regarded as the national river of Protrichska. The Protrichskan capital, Mokrikagrad, stands on the river, from which the city gets its name.
Etymology The hydronym Mokrika derives from Proto-Slavic *mokrь 'liquid' and *rěka 'river'.
Pervoje pisemo v seji krajinie, je že bie utišeno1. Çi kwto-si kusi çăti derakő? The first post in this region that got suppressed. Did someone try to pick a fight?
I've just realized what a linguistic disaster this is.
«oхрень» is a Scandoslavic derivative of «очень», or «very». I was initially confused as to why this was «nice»... until I realized. This is such a funny connection that I might actually keep it.
In fact, here's a mini-poll: Should the connection between «oхрень» and «очень» be kept in the Scandoslavic language?
Nikogwda ne budi t, j že dielajetí vid, že swpití. Never wake up someone who pretends to sleep.
(Açe komu-si mozg jesno estí myt, ne kusi svietiti jemu, bo on ne toliko ne bődetí hvaliti tă, a bődetí klevetati tă, bo ty vytăže j jiz jego obolsti ujőta.) (If someone is clearly brainwashed, don’t try to enlighten him, because not only he will not thank you, but will curse you because you pulled him out of his comfort zone.)