The Socialist Republics of Trazin

Leader (Governor): The Socialist Nordic Union of Communist Korslandia

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Socialist Nordic Union of Communist Korslandia

Last WA Update:

Most Authoritarian: 2,001st Most Nations: 2,420th
World Factbook Entry

Welcome to the SRT! a Land where Peace and Socialism is here!

Allies: THE W0RLD | The Raiders Commune | Tinga | Militarist Left

Nations: 10



We Are Marxist-Leninist and Maoist!

  1. 2

    TRAZIN TIMES | Vol. I No. II

    BulletinNews by Vencer . 56 reads.

  2. 5

    Socialist Republics Union, the war on it, and instructions for people who want the SRU gone.

    FactbookPolitics by Non-existent civil rights . 160 reads.

  3. 3,685

    Useful NS Sites and Utilities (updated: 4/19/2019)

    MetaReference by Nullarni . 93,457 reads.

  4. 4,251

    The Complete List of NSCodes

    MetaReference by Testlandia . 178,956 reads.

  5. 9

    How and why to join the World Assembly

    MetaGameplay by Ter Landia . 326 reads.

  6. 1

    History Of Korslandia

    FactbookHistory by Communist Korslandia . 76 reads.

  7. 1

    History Of Trazin

    FactbookHistory by Communist Korslandia . 27 reads.

▼ 4 More

Embassies: The Raiders Commune, THE W0RLD, Tinga, Militarist Left, THE NEW W0RLD, Anti SRU Front, A New Earth, Vertu, and THE GL0BE.

Construction of embassies with Archai has commenced. Completion expected .

Construction of embassies with Some Randon Place has commenced. Completion expected .

Tags: Anarchist, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Fascist, Anti-Security Council, Anti-World Assembly, Casual, Communist, Defender, Democratic, Eco-Friendly, Egalitarian, Feminist, and 14 others.Future Tech, Independent, International Federalist, Liberal, Libertarian, National Sovereigntist, Neutral, Pacifist, Regional Government, Serious, Small, Social, Socialist, and World Assembly.

The Socialist Republics of Trazin contains 10 nations, the 2,420th most in the world.


Today's World Census Report

The Highest Average Tax Rates in The Socialist Republics of Trazin

Although some nations have a flat tax rate for all citizens while others tax the rich more heavily than the poor, the World Census used averages to rank the world's most taxing governments.

As a region, The Socialist Republics of Trazin is ranked 4,969th in the world for Highest Average Tax Rates.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Dictatorship of El Frente SandinistaPsychotic Dictatorship“¡Vivan los Sandinistas!”
2.The Dictatorship of Lin BiaoismPsychotic Dictatorship“人民战争胜利万岁!”
3.The People's Republic of CommiunaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Social.”
4.The Socialist Nordic Union of Communist KorslandiaCorrupt Dictatorship“Workers, Unite!”
5.The People's Republic of KabulianPsychotic Dictatorship“equality”
6.The Community of VencerCorrupt Dictatorship“Fide”
7.The Federation of Great Socialist RepublicsCorrupt Dictatorship“Proletarier aller Laender, vereinigt euch!”
8.The Colony of EsrtlandiaFather Knows Best State“Workers Unite!”
9.The Republic of RendariaAuthoritarian Democracy“Proletarians of the World Unite!”
10.The Armed Army of Army Of Communist KorslandiaFather Knows Best State“LONG LIVE THE RED ARMY!!”

Regional Poll • Which ideology do you like?

Poll called by The Socialist Nordic Union of Communist Korslandia

Voting opened 7 hours ago and will close . Open to all nations. You cannot vote as you are not logged in.

Last poll: “Do you like socialism?”

Regional Happenings


The Socialist Republics of Trazin Regional Message Board

Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

The Socialist Nordic Union of Communist Korslandia

New Khemet wrote:I can vote! Thanks Communist Korslandia

no problem!

via The Raiders Commune

The Holy ☭ socialist☭ union of Tortlian

I gotu Communist Korslandia - Ultimatum

if troops from CHAOS EMPIRE invade Communist Korslandia, I will withdraw around 400,000 troops from germany to march to Korslandia and aid the Socialist Nordic Republic. Communist Korslandia is a TACO member so I expect other TACO members to aid them as well.


The Empire of CHAOS EMPIRE

Tortlian wrote:I gotu Communist Korslandia - Ultimatum

if troops from CHAOS EMPIRE invade Communist Korslandia, I will withdraw around 400,000 troops from germany to march to Korslandia and aid the Socialist Nordic Republic. Communist Korslandia is a TACO member so I expect other TACO members to aid them as well.

bro he is part of the war

The Socialist Nordic Union of Communist Korslandia

Tortlian wrote:I gotu Communist Korslandia - Ultimatum

if troops from CHAOS EMPIRE invade Communist Korslandia, I will withdraw around 400,000 troops from germany to march to Korslandia and aid the Socialist Nordic Republic. Communist Korslandia is a TACO member so I expect other TACO members to aid them as well.


via The Raiders Commune

The United Soviets of International Soviet Socialist Republics

Opinions on Kronstadt?

The Socialist Nordic Union of Communist Korslandia

via The Raiders Commune

The United Soviets of International Soviet Socialist Republics

Communist Korslandia wrote:im netrual

As a Trotskyist, I can say that Trotsky shouldn't have fired on the sailors.

The Socialist Nordic Union of Communist Korslandia

International Soviet Socialist Republics wrote:As a Trotskyist, I can say that Trotsky shouldn't have fired on the sailors.

anyways, lets continue the war

The People's Republic of Commiuna

The CUP is a party.
To join, send a telegram to me.
Read factbook


The Socialist Nordic Union of Communist Korslandia

Commiuna wrote:
The CUP is a party.
To join, send a telegram to me.
Read factbook



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