The Remote Highlands

Governor: Gregland9989

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: Gregland9989

Last WA Update:

Rudest Citizens: 2nd Most Armed: 6th Highest Crime Rates: 6th+55
Most Rebellious Youth: 7th Largest Soda Pop Sector: 8th Largest Agricultural Sector: 8th Largest Retail Industry: 11th Highest Disposable Incomes: 14th Highest Unexpected Death Rate: 14th Fattest Citizens: 16th Most Scientifically Advanced: 16th Largest Cheese Export Sector: 18th Most Efficient Economies: 24th Largest Information Technology Sector: 25th Most Inclusive: 28th Highest Average Incomes: 29th Smartest Citizens: 56th Largest Automobile Manufacturing Sector: 60th Most Valuable International Artwork: 67th Highest Food Quality: 72nd Lowest Overall Tax Burden: 72nd Highest Poor Incomes: 76th Most Cheerful Citizens: 79th Most Politically Free: 84th Largest Gambling Industry: 88th Highest Economic Output: 125th Largest Trout Fishing Sector: 127th Largest Publishing Industry: 127th Largest Pizza Delivery Sector: 133rd Most Avoided: 148th Most Subsidized Industry: 155th Most Cultured: 174th Highest Wealthy Incomes: 204th Most Corrupt Governments: 206th Largest Manufacturing Sector: 216th Largest Governments: 229th Most Beautiful Environments: 302nd Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 340th Highest Drug Use: 395th Most Secular: 567th Largest Furniture Restoration Industry: 577th Highest Workforce Participation Rate: 641st Most Patriotic: 718th Nicest Citizens: 739th Largest Black Market: 742nd Most Advanced Public Transport: 908th Most Extensive Civil Rights: 968th Most Eco-Friendly Governments: 978th Most Influential: 1,045th Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry: 1,052nd Nudest: 1,124th Most Advanced Public Education: 1,130th Most Extreme: 1,134th Most Pro-Market: 1,419th Most Nations: 1,977th Largest Mining Sector: 2,192nd Most Compassionate Citizens: 2,400th Most Developed: 2,583rd
World Factbook Entry

Temp region to resist Zombie hordes

Tags: Governorless, Medium, and Password.

The Remote Highlands contains 11 nations, the 1,977th most in the world.


Today's World Census Report

The Smartest Citizens in The Remote Highlands

The World Census eavesdropped on conversations in coffee shops, on campuses, and around cinemas in order to determine which nations have the most quick-witted, insightful, and knowledgeable citizens.

As a region, The Remote Highlands is ranked 56th in the world for Smartest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Zombie Free Federal Republic of BrexasAnarchy“Stay away from my goat!”
2.The Zombie Free Nomadic Peoples of Aboriginal BrexanAnarchy“Don't let me detain you”
3.The Zombie Free Land of Brexas2Anarchy“Let the big fluke eat!”
4.The Zombie Free Republic of Brexas3Anarchy“Watch those thieves in government and keep taxes low!”
5.The Zombie Free States of Brexas6Anarchy“If you don't want the monster, don't pull the switch!”
6.The Zombie Free Colony of Brexas5Anarchy“What's Next?”
7.The Zombie Free Republic of Brexas4Anarchy“Taxes Are Too High!”
8.The Commonwealth of Brexas8Anarchy“Because it is there”
9.The Zombie Free Dominion of Brexas7Anarchy“Progress”
10.The Grand Duchy of Brexas10Anarchy“The greater good”

Regional Happenings


The Remote Highlands Regional Message Board

Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

The Zombie Free Federal Republic of Brexas

Hey Greg,
I have applied for WA membership with Brexas. They will email applicaton results. Let me know who needs an endorsement.

Forum View