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The Cultural Affairs Minister of Of Altonianic Islands

Toerana V wrote:Pictured Above: Alto criticises individual for attempting to ensure that the law is being followed

First of all, your specific, personal, vibes-based interpretation of the law flies in the face of prior precedent.

Second of all, even if your facetious case is somehow deemed correct by the High Court, I will work tirelessly to get a constitutional amendment passed to make it work like how its intended to, which your case flies in the face of.

I'm not criticizing you for "attempting to ensure that the law is being followed." I'm criticizing you for your exercise in pedanticism that goes against common sense and precedent.

The Oceanic Commonwealth of Toerana V

Of Altonianic Islands wrote:First of all, your specific, personal, vibes-based interpretation of the law flies in the face of prior precedent.

Second of all, even if your facetious case is somehow deemed correct by the High Court, I will work tirelessly to get a constitutional amendment passed to make it work like how its intended to, which your case flies in the face of.

I'm not criticizing you for "attempting to ensure that the law is being followed." I'm criticizing you for your exercise in pedanticism that goes against common sense and precedent.

1. There is no prior precedent on this matter. My case is not "vibes based", as was explained to you by both myself and Cinema, you twisted my words when we were in a discussion about injunctive relief. This case, if you have not read it, is not about injunctive relief, it is about my different interpretation of the constitution, which is why I asked the court to weigh in instead of entering into the sort of pointless argument we saw yesterday. But - I grant - lying is increasingly becoming the political norm in Thaecia and if you wish to continue to twist words and just flat out lie, I can't stop you.

2. Cinema has already approached me about providing the house with a number of possible different amendments to solve the issue that she referred to as a "partial gray area", and I have agreed to work with her to produce and put forward constitutional amendments that the house can then discuss and agree on to solve this matter.

3. You returned to Thaecia 2 days ago, after being prompted to by Marv because he needed signatures for his petition so instead of making a case to actually active Thaecians, he brought back long gone members. Please, engage in Thaecia in good faith, and not just as the latest round of TAP/TCU/FREE attack dog.

The Illuminated Kingdom of The Ambis

Ahh the sweet smell of RMB politics

The Министр по делам культуры of Gudetamia

The Ambis wrote:Ahh the sweet smell of RMB politics

And the bad smell of recalls.

The Illuminated Kingdom of The Ambis

Oh yeah, also for full transparency:

I banned two nations earlier today, both with the name "Reich" in them. Nations like these are 99.999% toxic and fascist, and have no place in Thaecia.

This was an OOC ban done not in my position as a government official, but in my position as someone with the ban button

The Cultural Affairs Minister of Of Altonianic Islands

Toerana V wrote:1. There is no prior precedent on this matter. My case is not "vibes based", as was explained to you by both myself and Cinema, you twisted my words when we were in a discussion about injunctive relief. This case, if you have not read it, is not about injunctive relief, it is about my different interpretation of the constitution, which is why I asked the court to weigh in instead of entering into the sort of pointless argument we saw yesterday. But - I grant - lying is increasingly becoming the political norm in Thaecia and if you wish to continue to twist words and just flat out lie, I can't stop you.

2. Cinema has already approached me about providing the house with a number of possible different amendments to solve the issue that she referred to as a "partial gray area", and I have agreed to work with her to produce and put forward constitutional amendments that the house can then discuss and agree on to solve this matter.

3. You returned to Thaecia 2 days ago, after being prompted to by Marv because he needed signatures for his petition so instead of making a case to actually active Thaecians, he brought back long gone members. Please, engage in Thaecia in good faith, and not just as the latest round of TAP/TCU/FREE attack dog.

1. Perhaps not under the current constitution, but under past constitutions I'm about 97.3% sure the ability to recall multiple people at once was settled precedent. Is that not the case? It was a long time ago, so I'm not gonna make a claim with 100% knowledge that I don't have, but I'd have bet a lot of stamps this had been settled in the old constitution.

2. Cool, let's make it exceptionally clear. But that doesn't change my first point; this is how it has worked across, I think, the last three constitutions. To have it be contested in this one, despite there being, again from my memory, very few changes is extremely pedantic. Bow, if these were four individual recall petitions that had gotten 12 signatures, would that be legal? Because that's where this whole shebang is gonna go if the High Court sides with you.

3. As to the point about being a recent arrival, I literally returned to Thaecia 35 freaking days ago according to my residency stat; I posted a bit on the RMB, although I hadn't fully reengaged with Thaecian politics until recently. So, no, Bow. I didn't return to Thaecia two days ago, I've been here more than a month. While my activity has definitely spiked after I finally took the plunge, I've been going on in the periphery, even if you hadn't noticed. As for just being an attack dog for TAP, that is factually inaccurate; I'm an attack dog for the good of the region.

The Oceanic Commonwealth of Toerana V

Of Altonianic Islands wrote:1. Perhaps not under the current constitution, but under past constitutions I'm about 97.3% sure the ability to recall multiple people at once was settled precedent. Is that not the case? It was a long time ago, so I'm not gonna make a claim with 100% knowledge that I don't have, but I'd have bet a lot of stamps this had been settled in the old constitution.

2. Cool, let's make it exceptionally clear. But that doesn't change my first point; this is how it has worked across, I think, the last three constitutions. To have it be contested in this one, despite there being, again from my memory, very few changes is extremely pedantic. Bow, if these were four individual recall petitions that had gotten 12 signatures, would that be legal? Because that's where this whole shebang is gonna go if the High Court sides with you.

1. All that matters in our law is what is on the books, and what has been decided under our current constitution. I'm not sure if you missed the memo, but about a year ago the slate was wiped clean. No legal precedent of that era matters, and if it did, I'd be arguing the court could injunct because they could when I went after Marv!

2. The previous constitutions are irrelevant, as I have previously explained. Recall petitions for a House of Commons member in the UK require 10% of eligible electors to sign it, and that the member is already suspended by the House for ethical violations - but I'm not arguing that because that is completely and utterly irrelevant! I'm going to dispute what I see being as being a referendum run under an incorrect interpretation of the constitution all I want because that what's it for, but unlike you, I'm not complaining on the RMB that I think something is illegal, I'm actually going to the court and getting an answer, because the court is the final authority on these things.

I am also not disputing the legality of the petitions at this time - something you'd know if you'd actually read what I submitted to the court, but again, you haven't, because you aren't interested in actually debating that, you're interested in attacking your opponents with baseless falsehoods and whataboutisms.

3. Very cool. Wait until there are different interpretations of what people think is best for the region too, going to blow your mind!

The United Socialist States of Snalland

Regarding alto’s first point, there was never an attempt to recall multiple people at once under the prior constitution. As far as I’m aware there was no court case regarding how that should be done back then either. It’s still possible that it was resolved, but it has not been established under the new constitution and that’s what actually matters.

The Kingdom of Brototh

The Ambis wrote:Ahh the sweet smell of RMB politics

next person to tell me politics is bad for Thaecia gets banned

The Cultural Affairs Minister of Of Altonianic Islands

Toerana V wrote:1. All that matters in our law is what is on the books, and what has been decided under our current constitution. I'm not sure if you missed the memo, but about a year ago the slate was wiped clean. No legal precedent of that era matters, and if it did, I'd be arguing the court could injunct because they could when I went after Marv!

2. The previous constitutions are irrelevant, as I have previously explained. Recall petitions for a House of Commons member in the UK require 10% of eligible electors to sign it, and that the member is already suspended by the House for ethical violations - but I'm not arguing that because that is completely and utterly irrelevant! I'm going to dispute what I see being as being a referendum run under an incorrect interpretation of the constitution all I want because that what's it for, but unlike you, I'm not complaining on the RMB that I think something is illegal, I'm actually going to the court and getting an answer, because the court is the final authority on these things.

I am also not disputing the legality of the petitions at this time - something you'd know if you'd actually read what I submitted to the court, but again, you haven't, because you aren't interested in actually debating that, you're interested in attacking your opponents with baseless falsehoods and whataboutisms.

3. Very cool. Wait until there are different interpretations of what people think is best for the region too, going to blow your mind!

With regards to the first point, fine. With regards to Snalland's interjection, like I said I would've bet against that but he probably knows better than I do.

So just making sure I've reread your case correctly. You are not arguing against the petition or its signatures being legal? You just want the referendum to be split across four votes for each individual member?

To be honest, that is way more reasonable than deeming the entire petition as illegal, and looking at the constitution is actually decently arguable. Arguing the entire petition/election is invalid is not.

So, just making it very clear; if your case succeeds, you still want the recall referenda to happen, you just want them to be split across four votes?

If that's the case, I wasn't purposefully misconstruing your argument, I had a clerical misunderstanding and your stance is far more reasonable than I had misinterpreted it to be.

The Oceanic Commonwealth of Toerana V

Of Altonianic Islands wrote:With regards to the first point, fine. With regards to Snalland's interjection, like I said I would've bet against that but he probably knows better than I do.

So just making sure I've reread your case correctly. You are not arguing against the petition or its signatures being legal? You just want the referendum to be split across four votes for each individual member?

To be honest, that is way more reasonable than deeming the entire petition as illegal, and looking at the constitution is actually decently arguable. Arguing the entire petition/election is invalid is not.

So, just making it very clear; if your case succeeds, you still want the recall referenda to happen, you just want them to be split across four votes?

If that's the case, I wasn't purposefully misconstruing your argument, I had a clerical misunderstanding and your stance is far more reasonable than I had misinterpreted it to be.

You are correct, I am not arguing that the petition is illegal or that its signatures are invalid, what I am arguing is that the referendum should be split into four, one vote per MP. My request for the court to halt the referendum or halt the implementation of its results until a ruling is delivered is based on my belief that the way the vote is being held is incorrect.

My personal opinion on whether I want the votes to happen at all is largely irrelevant, I'm not arguing that they shouldn't happen in court - I don't see any rational legal basis on which anyone could object to them being run when they are run as 4 seperate votes. I, in reality, meant to remove my signature as soon as I realised that they couldn't run in the subsequent by-election, and am subsequently voting no so I clearly don't think they should be removed, but that's a discussion that is irrelevant to the court and our law.

That being said, I appreciate you talking the time to read over my brief, and am happy to answer any more questions in regards to it.

The Kingdom of Brototh

My opinion is that bow is wrong. Thank you all, goodnight!

The Cultural Affairs Minister of Of Altonianic Islands

Toerana V wrote:You are correct, I am not arguing that the petition is illegal or that its signatures are invalid, what I am arguing is that the referendum should be split into four, one vote per MP. My request for the court to halt the referendum or halt the implementation of its results until a ruling is delivered is based on my belief that the way the vote is being held is incorrect.

My personal opinion on whether I want the votes to happen at all is largely irrelevant, I'm not arguing that they shouldn't happen in court - I don't see any rational legal basis on which anyone could object to them being run when they are run as 4 seperate votes. I, in reality, meant to remove my signature as soon as I realised that they couldn't run in the subsequent by-election, and am subsequently voting no so I clearly don't think they should be removed, but that's a discussion that is irrelevant to the court and our law.

That being said, I appreciate you talking the time to read over my brief, and am happy to answer any more questions in regards to it.

So like, hey Brototh

Why are we arguing about this? The entire case will cause a pretty large delay in getting the specials actually started dependent on the success of the recalls. So just go with what Bow wants this time and then do a constitutional amendment making the wording extremely clear. Between Thaecia and the Senate, we could get the referenda done and settled within four days and can move on with the specials. It would be faster to settle this that way and then solve the potential inconsistency through legislation rather than a High Court precedent that has 50/50 odds of making us go with Bow's course of action anyway.

The Kingdom of Brototh

Of Altonianic Islands wrote:So like, hey Brototh

Why are we arguing about this? The entire case will cause a pretty large delay in getting the specials actually started dependent on the success of the recalls. So just go with what Bow wants this time and then do a constitutional amendment making the wording extremely clear. Between Thaecia and the Senate, we could get the referenda done and settled within four days and can move on with the specials. It would be faster to settle this that way and then solves the potential inconsistency through legislation rather than a High Court precedent that has 50/50 odds of making us go with Bow's course of action anyway.

How can I just go with what Bow wants? I opened the referenda before he ever aired his concerns. I can't shut it down halfway through, what if it's legal to host all four on one ballot?

The Avatar of Thanatos of Islonia

Marvinville wrote:didn't realize that party politics was the reason for the andy coup earlier this year bc the region was dead

it was yes, since andy tried to do stuff after region had already died xd but its ok with you back in IC activity we can get a proper funeral this time (cc Toerana V)

The Cultural Affairs Minister of Of Altonianic Islands

Brototh wrote:How can I just go with what Bow wants? I opened the referenda before he ever aired his concerns. I can't shut it down halfway through, what if it's legal to host all four on one ballot?

I just reread Article VIII of the Constitution and L.R. 001, and correct me if I'm wrong, but there isn't anything that explicitly prevents you from cancelling a referendum midway through and redoing it. That should probably be fixed, but I digress. There is nothing explicitly preventing you from doing so.

Additionally, L.R. 001 says the following: "Section I - The Electoral Commission is responsible for organizing and conducting all elections and referenda as called for by the Constitution and law of Thaecia in a manner that is accessible, impartial, and timely."

The only thing cancelling and redoing an election might violate in that, due to the fact the Constitution and the law of Thaecia do not prohibit it, is the timely specification. Yet given the court case, it is probably more timely to go with Bow's method rather than deal with a court case midway through the referendum.

The Cultural Affairs Minister of Of Altonianic Islands

You have been given a legitimate legal concern about the way an election is being managed; you are will within your authority to take action to rectify it.

The Kingdom of Brototh

Of Altonianic Islands wrote:I just reread Article VIII of the Constitution and L.R. 001, and correct me if I'm wrong, but there isn't anything that explicitly prevents you from cancelling a referendum midway through and redoing it. That should probably be fixed, but I digress. There is nothing explicitly preventing you from doing so.

Additionally, L.R. 001 says the following: "Section I - The Electoral Commission is responsible for organizing and conducting all elections and referenda as called for by the Constitution and law of Thaecia in a manner that is accessible, impartial, and timely."

The only thing cancelling and redoing an election might violate in that, due to the fact the Constitution and the law of Thaecia do not prohibit it, is the timely specification. Yet given the court case, it is probably more timely to go with Bow's method rather than deal with a court case midway through the referendum.

I'm mandated by the law to hold a vote for recall based on petitions. I can't not do that because I think there may or may not be a problem. I've laid down the referenda as I believe is the correct interpretation of the Constitution. If the Court calls me to, I will hold the referenda in a different manner. I cannot stop an election halfway through because my opinion may have changed (which for what it's worth, has not), or because someone else has a concern. The only way I will stop the vote is when its time expires, or when the Court command me to stop.

Additionally, if my method is correct, and Bow's method is wrong, then there will be another serious issue, because I will have halted a legal referendum halfway through in favour of an illegal one. It is better to get it wrong and be corrected, than potentially stop a legal referendum and invalidate people's votes for no reason.

The Министр по делам культуры of Gudetamia

New news!

My own little article.
November news.

Korsinia, first ever Foreign Affairs Minister,refounded herself earlier this month.
Since then,Korsinia has become a well-liked person...again!
Earlier in October,we had elections.
Since we did'nt have enough candidates for an election,Prime Minister Brototh appointed all of the candidates as members of Parliament.
Since then,the action has been getting crazy.
People have been mad, and since then, Marvinville,Snowflame,Santa Marana,Taralania,Ermica,Celca,Uppenja,and Alkibiadea have made the TAP (Thaecian Action Party) specifically for dissolving the house.

Read dispatch

The Southern Empire of Taralania

Thaecia's premier news organization coming to a region near you.

The Thaecian
Thaecia's premier news organization

Launch of The Thaecian
Author: Taralania
Edition 1
Published: November 20, 2024

In Thaecia's turbulent environment, plagued by inactivity, it was thought that the days of news publications were long since over. This is a reasonable assumption given the fact that the glory days of media in Thaecia were well over a year ago. This is indicative of Thaecia's state as a region, where engagement is no longer enough to support a proper publication. Well no longer! As a phoenix rises out of the ashes, so too does The Thaecian, ready to revive Thaecia's long-dead media scene.

What is The Thaecian?

The Thaecian is exactly what we say we are: a news organization. At the time of the publication of this article, we are composed of a single member, but we intend to expand as we are able. As it says below our name in every article we are Thaecia's premier news organization. As it also stands, we are the only news organization in the region. As time goes on, we look forward to more news organizations springing up, to make Thaecia a much more vibrant place.
At The Thaecian, you will read stories about elections, campaigning, polling, opinion pieces, and more miscellaneous news from our reporters. We will always strive to be as factual and correct as possible. Look forward to new and engaging stories as they develop, and we hope you enjoy!

Why found a news org?

News organizations like The Thaecian are vital for many reasons. In an era of increasing political activity, aside from being directly engaged in it, news organizations are the premier way to learn about the goings on of the region. For spectators, this is a valuable tool to get to know what is happening without having a personal stake. Not to mention the value to readers abroad who would like periodical updates on how Thaecia is doing. Additionally, a thriving media scene is a telling indicator of the health of a region. Without an active publication, a region of Thaecia's size will look dead. To present a strong image, we believe that there must be a media scene that The Thaecian is happy to provide.
Not only that, but we believe that a thriving media scene is key to reviving proper politics. Old guard members who might be reading this, think back to Thaecia's old days and how different it used to be. The vibes in Thaecia were much different back then than they are now. There are many facets to what made Thaecia feel that way, but one important thing to consider was the volume of news that used to exist back then. Aspiring parties set up their own newspapers and tried to reach out to new supporters that way. This is an approach that is largely absent from modern Thaecian politics, with new members instead joining from just speaking to current members. We believe we can revive an element of this political activity through the revival of political print media. We invite all parties and independents to come forth and share with Thaecia why they deserve your support.

What can we expect from The Thaecian?

In short, there is lots to come for The Thaecian! With the Thaecian political scene slowly but surely reviving, there does not appear to be a shortage of events to report on. As such, if there are any major news events, it can be expected that they will be reported on timely in The Thaecian's periodical release schedule. Passage of legislation, polls and referenda, court cases, elections, scandals and controversy, and more can be expected in this publication.
A more interesting thing to look out for, and that has not been done since the last major news organization faded away, is interviews. We believe that more than just the cold hard facts, the personal element is important as well. As such, not only will our readers be getting the facts of any news report, but they will also be getting interviews and questions from the relevant people involved in a story. For example, expect to hear from the author of legislation should there be any in the House of Commons.
Recognizing that we live in the real world and not just NationStates, we will also release pieces on real-world events periodically. This is meant to inform Thaecia on things that we think might be important. Not only that, should a reader or region-mate think it important, we invite guest writers to write an article about an event they want Thaecia to know about.

What is The Thaecian's release schedule?

Our release schedule will be periodical. There will be a new edition of The Thaecian out every two weeks. However, should regional events demand it, a weekly or special edition will also be possible. We strive to maintain quality and length standards through each edition, so hold us to it!

That is all for now! We hope you stay tuned for The Thaecian's next publication in the following week!

Read dispatch

via The East Pacific

The United Greater of Garfield Republics

Even MORE awesome images!












Kyrindor wrote:I like how it doesn't say Enjoy, it just tells you to "drink" you have no choice.
























































































































Read factbook

Alkibiadea, Blue Hour, and Primal warrior

The Purple nation of Korsinia



hello just wondering how do i boost my economy as i'm not doing well with it just someone please tell me how

Uwu transland


The Kingdom of Great Minwas

Musaschi wrote:I can't support recalling four members at once, even though I'd love to be an MP.

You will be able to run for mp soon because lythusia and Aiyland died.

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