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The British Overseas Territory of British Shalibvian Territory

Kakougaris wrote:l


via Corvinian Conlang Union

The Island Republic of Okinawa and Kagoshima
The Dictatorship of Hatanvalia

Okinawa and Kagoshima wrote:n(issan)


The Sultanate of Mzaridia

Hatanvalia wrote:o(pel)


The Most Serene Republic of Vrynabia

Mzaridia wrote:p(orsche)


The United Socialist States of Traenailari

Vrynabia wrote:q


via Corvinia

The Free Socialist Empire of Outer Armatonisdaristan

Traenailari wrote:r(enault)


via Metropolitan Union

The Holy Gold Blue Metrostocracy of Sernet


via Metropolitan Union

The Holy Gold Blue Metrostocracy of Sernet

I am making a map which includes your region(s)

Firstly you need to telegram me if you want to be added

you need to provide me with any important geographical information as well as anything you want me to add to the map; any major cities, provinces, etc. will need to be telegramed to me and you must provide details about approximately where you want them to be placed (eg north, south, by the coast)

Read dispatch

via Trinity Legion

The Sultanate of North Grenham

Sernet wrote:t(oyota)


The Most Serene Republic of Vrynabia

North Grenham wrote:u


The Principality of Hanglanden

2 more days and it will be the region’s 250 day anniversary!

The Grand Duchy of Laemardis

Happy (LATE) 250 day anniversary to Shalibvia!

The Dictatorship of Xakargis

sry if I too late

via Corvinia

The 2013 Formula 1 Car of Ferrari F138

Ximaederis wrote:What position does your nation come under?

- Liberty
- Democracy
- Communist
- Unionist

You can only pick ONE option.


The British Overseas Territory of British Shalibvian Territory

Vrynabia wrote:v(olkswagen)


via Corvinia

The Holy Federal Republic of Lotanio

Ximaederis wrote:What position does your nation come under?

- Liberty
- Democracy
- Communist
- Unionist

You can only pick ONE option.


via Vulture of War

The In love with Palyzar of Audrea


via The Socialist Republic

The Democratic Pacific Republic of French New Wake Island

Region Checkup from TSR, Hows it going?

via East Shalibvia

The Commonwealth of Khamauka

Ximaederis wrote:What position does your nation come under?

- Liberty
- Democracy
- Communist
- Unionist

You can only pick ONE option.


via Trinity Legion

The Confederacy of Ganzilistan

Ximaederis wrote:What position does your nation come under?

- Liberty
- Democracy
- Communist
- Unionist

You can only pick ONE option.

either democracy or unionist

via East Shalibvia

The Allied States of East Churin

Ay Tribes of Churin

Is my representative team in CCL senior or U21

The Jingoistic States of Tribes of Churin

East Churin wrote:Ay Tribes of Churin

Is my representative team in CCL senior or U21


The Grand Duchy of Laemardis

East Churin wrote:Ay Tribes of Churin

Is my representative team in CCL senior or U21

What’s the CCL?

The Jingoistic States of Tribes of Churin

Laemardis wrote:What’s the CCL?

The Churin Champions League (CCL) is a new football competition for the winners of the regional amateur football competitions. It is therefore akin to the Malagasy Pro League. The first edition will be held in 2025.

2025 Entries
1. Hzifnaj - Koisava FC
2. Majéito - AS Caeteille
3. Toledo - Sociéte Générale G. Laucant
4. Frambant - AS Frambant
5. Lwadmanda - FC Blues
6. Pykarsja - Pykarsja FC
7. Federal Tribes of Tmadsa - Yokmandiwa
8. Tuk - Woyoama FC
9. Churin national under-21 team
10. East Churin representative team

Group stage - Group 1 and 2 have five teams

Semi-finals - Single leg

Final - Single leg

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