
Governor: The Revolutionary Rebel Queen of Risadea

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Revolutionary Rebel Queen of Risadea

Last WA Update:

Most Nations: 117th
World Factbook Entry

This is the official jump point of the Legio Pacifica, the premier military of The Pacific.

Any operations conducted from this region are conducted within the policies, standards, and traditions of The Pacific.

Any questions, comments, or requests should be addressed to the commanders.

Commanding Officers:
Senator of Military Affairs: End666
Senior Commander: Marinas Island
Senior Commander: Waterfall State
Praefectus: Nullity

LinkSign up today!

Tags: Anti-Fascist, Enormous, and Jump Point.

Regional Power: Moderate

Resuscitation contains 322 nations, the 117th most in the world.


Today's World Census Report

The Highest Average Tax Rates in Resuscitation

Although some nations have a flat tax rate for all citizens while others tax the rich more heavily than the poor, the World Census used averages to rank the world's most taxing governments.

As a region, Resuscitation is ranked 12,872nd in the world for Highest Average Tax Rates.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Commonwealth of TevrusDemocratic Socialists“From Ashes to Triumph”
2.The People's Republic of AlakmariaPsychotic Dictatorship“Great ideology creates great times.”
3.The Empire of Laurea GuayingoDemocratic Socialists“O amor por princípio; ordem por base; progresso por..”
4.The United Trade Unions of MosltainLiberal Democratic Socialists“Now's the Day and Now's the Hour”
5.The Democratic States of False alanticPsychotic Dictatorship“Might Makes Right”
6.The Home of ChibunInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Zzzzzz...”
7.The Lonely Castle of Prince BriceCorrupt Dictatorship“I'm sleeping”
8.The Republic of Kvitka at WarIron Fist Consumerists“Motto”
9.The Republic of Neo Romana IIILiberal Democratic Socialists“Populus enim ad”
10.The Waterfallean General of Bown OsmandDemocratic Socialists“Great is Imperial Service”
1234. . .3233»

Regional Happenings


Resuscitation Regional Message Board

Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.


Post by Crynis suppressed by Bown Osmand.


Post by Arazian suppressed by Bown Osmand.


Post by 20st jaf space unit suppressed by Cotton Bunnies.


Post by Raxus legion 15 suppressed by Bown Osmand.


Post by The hamsters suppressed by Cotton Bunnies.

Post by This region is watched by gangstalkers suppressed by a moderator.

Post by This region is watched by gangstalkers suppressed by a moderator.


I believe that WFE needs updating.

Hail Comrade Senator Ender! o/


The Holy Empire of Cotton Bunnies

Blankenheim wrote:I believe that WFE needs updating.

Hail Comrade Senator Ender! o/


Indeed o/

The Free Follower of Priest of Anarchy

I would like to apologize to NPO and TEP for my use of the horrid words known as Gen Alpha Brainrot, may I be cleansed of my sins and brought to the light.

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