Please do not raid meBoard



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The HAVEN't they learnt their lesson about trusting this circling shark of Mallorea and Riva


The HAVEN't they learnt their lesson about trusting this circling shark of Mallorea and Riva

yay the population of the region is booming

Definetly not a raider

Mallorea and Riva wrote:yay the population of the region is booming

I know right!

Definetly not a raider

Once the regional poll has finished, it is likely thatMallorea and Riva, by order of new law and popular vote, will be required to put a nice, tall top hat on his/her flag shark or face eradication by orbital strike cannon.

The 53rd hurricane

*Reads region name*

Ohhhh, I was gonna raid this region... but now I won't.

The Very Arstotskianian Puppet of Arstotskiano 14

we're not going to raid this region
trust us ass, you can go
-totally not a raider

The So-Called Liberators of Legion Extasia

trigjump practice dont mind

The HAVEN't they learnt their lesson about trusting this circling shark of Mallorea and Riva
The Republic of Raider nation that isnt a sleeper