WA Delegate: None.
Last WA Update:
Tags: Governorless and Minuscule.
Nkousg is an empty wasteland, devoid of nations.
Activity • History • Rank • Administration
Today's World Census Report
The Most Extreme in Nkousg
The World Census ranked nations on the basis of how odd, extreme, or fundamentalist their social, economic, and political systems are.
As a region, Nkousg is ranked 1,356th in the world for Most Extreme.
Regional Happenings
- : Regional Founder Kekusdow ceased to exist.
- : Lacesbow ceased to exist.
- : Vouseuyudow ceased to exist.
- : Reukfoss ceased to exist.
- : Ioeonery ceased to exist.
- : Wouksanorej ceased to exist.
- : The Kingdom of Negtskow departed this region for All Directions.
- : The Holy Empire of Sjuesk departed this region for All Directions.
- : The Federation of Keughodss departed this region for All Directions.
- : The Principality of Sechuys departed this region for All Directions.
Nkousg Regional Message Board
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.