As a long time observer to the AAA I think time builds respect, respect for allies. We've done so much for America and why throw it away over a brand new member?
I am an indecisive person. I don't like making people upset, ergo, if I leave this decision up to a vote. I will feel absolved of any regret I might have if I choose. Should the decision go either way. This is why I will never be a politician.
From what I can gather: Limitata is set up on the southern tip of South America. Kostane has claimed the land as their own due to historical ownership. I mean it looks like an offensive war from Kostane. So guess AAA intervention isn't required.
Good sir, I have offered a one time peace deal with your country. If you would like to die reject it, if you wish the world to see another day accept it. Or just don’t answer… the world will still end but at least it won’t be your fault.
I think from now on we should ignore the crybullies who come to this region for the sole purpose of stirring up trouble.
At this point, I would also petition the mods to institute a rule: Anyone who comes into the RMB for the sole purposes of telling us to ban one of our members should, themselves, be banned from posting on the RMB.
It's annoying, it distracts from RP, it's also just harassment at this point and time, and the region should institute some rules to punish those who come here just to harass our members.
(Out of RP) I feel lost I was following the war. Last time i connected i saw Japan wanted to nuke everything, Triskel talked about EMP and there was a drama Now i saw that Japan asked for peace (yes i want it btw, with my former territories), no one talked about the EMP, everyone one talked about a nuke but we still live and now i see another affair ? What is happening ?
(in RP) My government is barely reorganizing after the mega war against the Japanese. The Tlatoani himself got gravely wounded. Nukes disturbed my society, and millions died
I will let the AAA spoke on our behalf. I am willing to have a white peace, if Japan just pays for the damages and if we get our territories back. Japan can keep Peru
Please accept my apologies for leaving you out to dry earlier. I would be happy to send your government money and aid as compensation for saving my nation with your attack on the Japanese.
Japan was on the verge of nuking everything, even made a post launching the nukes, then decided that was a bad idea, retconned the launching, and offered everyone peace.
-Basketball (which just finished) -Baseball (current) -Tlachtli (next) -Soccer -American Football
A number of people have asked if additional sports can be added. I figure we'll address that once we get to American Football season, whether people in the league would like to add sports or cycle back to basketball. The two asks for additions I have so far is (in order I received them) Wrestling and Hockey.
I also might make some of these seasons overlap to fit sports into a single year (so, like, starting Tlachtli Season before Baseball Season ends), depends on how much work that might be.