Merry Band of MisfitsBoard



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The Airborne Flock of Migrating Geese

Just flying thru on our way south.

~pitches tent, lites campfire~

Anybody home?

Volkswagen microbuses

Beep beep! Just passin’ through, lookin’ for a car wash.

The Friendly Backpacker of The Eternal Sightseer

Hiya! Just another traveler touring NS with Geese and Friends. What type of "band" are we talking here? I play a mean harmonica.

The Floating Fortresses of The 21 Hot Air Balloonists

*floats in over the horizon*
Any room for a few billion hot air balloons? :D

Traveling garden gnome

A garden gnome appears. Silent, he seems lifeless.

The Rolling Stone of Stone Circle Aviators

Just rolling along with the Geese and friends road show.

The Endless Waddling of Ducks Looking For Grapes

Hey! Got any grapes?

The Retired Whale Hunters of Kalmukia

I´m with them ^

Goose terminator 2

Any geese here? Doesn't seem like any...

The Airborne Flock of Migrating Geese

None that you wanna mess with, friend.

The Retired Whale Hunters of Kalmukia

And the geese are not alone, mate.

Volkswagen microbuses

Hmmmmm more like the Sleepy Band of Misfits here. Shall we move on?

The Airborne Flock of Migrating Geese

Say no more. We're getting close to the meatpacker's place.

Ta ta!

Traveling garden gnome

The Endless Waddling of Ducks Looking For Grapes

Goodbye! waddles away
