Magna Regio

Governor: Imperium fortis

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: Imperium fortis

Last WA Update:

Fattest Citizens: 587th Highest Wealthy Incomes: 1,143rd Highest Crime Rates: 1,241st+9
Highest Disposable Incomes: 1,385th Most Rebellious Youth: 1,407th Most Armed: 1,544th Highest Unexpected Death Rate: 1,941st Greatest Rich-Poor Divides: 1,989th Rudest Citizens: 2,170th Largest Retail Industry: 2,322nd Most Cultured: 2,325th Most Avoided: 2,449th
World Factbook Entry

Magna Regio was founded in 1946 after World War II by Pacific breakaway nations Imperium fortis and Democratic patriam. After the rise and fall of The First Two Penguarian Republics that had joined the region, Penguinapinguino, The penguaria isles and its servants, The Allied States of The penguarians rose from Penguaria’s ashes as The Third Penguarian Republic and restored Penguaria’s role as WA Delegate of Magna Regio.

A libertarian region seeking to provide peace, prosperity and liberation from socialism and invasions to all nations, Magna Regio is open to all newcomers.

Embassies: Weffle, Fredonia, Dead Sea, Guinea Kiribati, and Kommuland.

Tags: Anarchist, Anti-Communist, Anti-Security Council, Capitalist, Conservative, Governorless, Human-Only, Libertarian, Minuscule, Pacifist, Password, Regional Government, and 1 other.Role Player.

Magna Regio contains 5 nations, the 4,282nd most in the world.


Today's World Census Report

The Highest Average Tax Rates in Magna Regio

Although some nations have a flat tax rate for all citizens while others tax the rich more heavily than the poor, the World Census used averages to rank the world's most taxing governments.

As a region, Magna Regio is ranked 23,056th in the world for Highest Average Tax Rates.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of Yesomase MardInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Strength Through Compliance”
2.The Drippings of Chicken greaseAnarchy“Carpe diem”
3.The Republic of S01E01Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“test”
4.The Confederacy of Ambers BanRight-wing Utopia“Strength Through Compliance”
5.The Kingdom of MacadaniaCapitalist Paradise“Strength Through Freedom”

Regional Happenings


Magna Regio Regional Message Board

Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.


Post by Periculo suppressed by Imperium fortis.


Post by Nongus suppressed by The penguarians.


As the Commander of the Second Office, I'd like to extend a warm welcome to all newcomers of our great region.
Please take the time to: vote in WA resolutions, contribute to discussions, and endorse The Penguarians as our regional WA Delegate.
I wish all of you great success and joy whilst shaping your nation's future, and I can't wait to see what lies ahead! Perhaps some of you are destined for a leadership role... we shall see what we shall see.
In any case, take care and have fun! You only have millions of lives at stake, after all.

The penguarians



The resolution at-vote seeks to establish standardized workplace health and safety standards and contains a number of mandates to facilitate the effectiveness of these standards.
While the proposal at vote is written rather well and would otherwise competently achieve its admirable goal, it has one incredibly major pitfall: a muddled and poor definition of "worker" that is used throughout the proposal. The definition, which defines a worker as "a hypothetical worker of average physical dimensions whose species is the predominant sapient species in that member" excludes an abnormally large amount of workers from it that are not of average physical dimensions nor are of the predominant sapient species of a particular member state. It thus severely degrades the effectiveness of the resolution in its entirety.
Furthermore, the proposal is also futile as its recommendations are of too large a scale. Resolutions regarding health and safety should be left up to individual nations or regions to decide in their best interests. This issue is nowhere close to an international one, and individual nations can author their own rules and regulations regarding this matter without guidance from the WA. If this resolution were to be passed, it would have too much control over individual nations, rendering them powerless to enact their own laws about this topic. It thus again severely degrades the effectiveness of the resolution in its entirety.
As such, Labosh (and presumably The penguarians) recommends a vote AGAINST this resolution.

(This message was authored by Sincluda for Europeia and Labosh for Magna Regio)

The penguarians and Nongus

The penguarians

Hello all member nations,
Whilst we have already asked, it is crucial that all WA members endorse The penguarians. This way Magna Regio has more votes in WA issues, giving us more regional influence. Until a sufficient number of endorsements for the Delegate has been reached, please refrain from endorsing other nations; an official endorsement cap for other nations will be set soon. More info will come after most or all WA members have endorsed The penguarians. Confused about how to endorse? Simply go to the nation page, scroll to the bottom, and click the “Endorse [nation name]” button.

(Authorised by The Anarcho-Capitalist Covenant of The penguarians, WA Delegate of Magna Regio)


The man with the goose

I am here with my goose

The penguarians

The penguarians

The Pengurians are back from the dead.

Please endorse for the World Assembly!


Post by Nra 2 suppressed by Far Teat Marechilledos.


Post by Antasca wa alt suppressed by Far Teat Marechilledos.

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