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«12. . .90919293949596»
The Federal Unity of Tomington

Gadsden-Freedonia wrote:Christmas flag!

Truly tidings of good cheer

The Republic of Gomorrah by the Sea

maybe i should give my monstrous abomination a christmas hat

The Cooperatively Owned Republic of Gretarian

Gomorrah by the Sea wrote:maybe i should give my monstrous abomination a christmas hat

Fav state flag

The United Kingdom of Thercus

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all citizens residents and foreign dignitaries of Liberlandia, we hope you and your families have an amazing day! ❤️🎄

The Incorporated States of Gadsden-Freedonia

via Bozarkia

The Night fall nation of Star Federation
The Incorporated States of Gadsden-Freedonia

No more Christmas flag :(

The White-Bellied n' Fishy Hover of Genus Salmonea

Genus Salmonea is now ranked #17 in the world on the measure "Industry: Trout Fishing", with a score of over 35'000 in the Nemo Depletion Efficiency Index.

The Republic of Gomorrah by the Sea

Genus Salmonea wrote:Genus Salmonea is now ranked #17 in the world on the measure "Industry: Trout Fishing", with a score of over 35'000 in the Nemo Depletion Efficiency Index.

Holy moly that's pretty impressive congrats!

The Republic of Gomorrah by the Sea

Shaydor welcome!!!!

The Republic of Hubert-Bonisseur-de-la-Bat

Le ping-pong est une raison de divorce.

The United Socialist States of Hemogard of Liberlandia

Transcript from a street interview of People’s Eco-Commissar Ernest Drake

English (translated):

Field Reporter: Johannes Sabina

muffled microphone noises from the colliding passers-by

Johannes Sabina: Mr. People’s Eco-Commissar! Mr. People’s Eco-Commissar! A moment of your attention, please! Just a minute!

Ernest Drake turns around before entering the Mariiatarian clean and public metro

P.E.C. Ernest Drake: Hi there. For what newspaper is this?

Johannes Sabina: The People’s Columnist! We have a few questions on the Commissariate’s reaction to recent developments in Lindria and Yargash, it’d be the scoop of the month if you could accord us an immediate response.

P.E.C. Ernest Drake: Very well then. The metro leaves in seven minutes, I s’ppose I’ve the time for this. As it stands, the government has been monitoring the situation in Lindria closely, especially following the leadership change and the ban on Hemogardian immigration. While we respect the sovereign decisions of Lindria, we do believe such actions could have far-reaching consequences, particularly for diplomatic relations within Liberlandia. The Commissariate has publicly advised all Hemogardians in Lindria to return home as quickly as possible, and negotiations are happening to establish safe routes and boats allowing for the repatriation of all Hemogardians in Lindria and surrounding territories, should they want it.

As for Yargash, we recognise their deployment of elite cavalry as a show of solidarity, but we question the strategic value of such a gesture. Our own military and diplomatic teams are preparing for any contingency, but we’re firm in our stance: any direct intervention in this matter should be handled with caution, ensuring that it doesn't escalate into broader conflict, as the wounds of the Hawkwasian-Sovustinian War are still open and in our minds. We are open to dialogue with all parties involved, but our priority is the protection of peace, stability, and longevity within our forests, marshlands, and region.

Johannes Sabina: So, you’re saying that the government does not intend to take any immediate military action?

P.E.C. Ernest Drake: At present, no. Our goal is to avoid conflict. That said, we will not shy away from defending our interests should the need arise. We are committed to diplomacy, but we will not hesitate to act if we believe the situation compromises our security. We’ve made that clear to both Lindria and any other concerned parties in our exchanges with the Lindrian ambassador, presently stationed in the Lindrian embassy, just a few blocks from here.

Johannes Sabina: Hrm. What do you think of the circulating rumours surrounding alleged Lindrian spies in our laboratories?

P.E.C. Ernest Drake: The Spider has been alerted, and currently, we’re looking to propose some new protectionist bills regarding our scientific industry, to ensure that our military intelligence is not compromised. However, if I’m honest, man, I think the Lower House will stand opposed to measures that reduce the freedom of circulation of information, and as such, the Commissariate and myself are working hard to find alternative solutions to make certain dangerous information does not fall in the wrong hands.

Moreover, circling back to the matters relating to Lindrians residing in Hemogard, I would like to deny these foul claims that they are subject to intense state monitoring. Please refer to the latest Lindrian and Hemogardian censuses, which show how Hemogard ranks over seven times lower on the MilliStalins scale of Authoritarianism, and over three times higher on the Martin Luther King, Jr. scale of Civil Rights. All this is evidence that Hemogard is a substantially freer nation, freedoms safeguarded by our United Socialist States’ constitution, which rejects many of the tyrannical values of Medioternism. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a meeting to attend, and a soon-departing-metro to get in.

Johannes Sabina: Thank you so much, Mr. People’s Eco-Commissar, and have a good day!

the microphone aches as the screeching noises from the leaving metro boom all across the station

Transcript from a street interview of People’s Eco-Commissar Ernest Drake

Felibrian (original):

Reporter de Carrer: Johannes Sabina
sorolls de micròfon emmudits per les persones que col·lideixen entre elles

Johannes Sabina: Sr. Comissari Eco-Popular! Sr. Comissari Eco-Popular! Un moment de la vostra atenció, si us plau! Només un minut!

Ernest Drake es gira abans d’entrar a la neta i pública estació de metro Mariiatarian

C.E.P. Ernest Drake: Hola. De quin diari és això?

Johannes Sabina: El Columnista del Poble! Tenim algunes preguntes sobre la reacció del Comissariat als desenvolupaments recents a Lindria i Yargash, seria la notícia del mes si ens poguéssiu donar una resposta immediata.

C.E.P. Ernest Drake: Molt bé. El metro surt en set minuts, suposo que tinc temps per això. Tal com estan les coses, el govern ha estat supervisant de prop la situació a Lindria, sobretot després del canvi de lideratge i la prohibició de la immigració Hemogardiana. Tot i que respectem les decisions sobiranes de Lindria, creiem que aquestes accions podrien tenir conseqüències de gran abast, especialment per a les relacions diplomàtiques dins de Liberlandia. El Comissariat ha aconsellat públicament a tots els Hemogardians a Lindria que tornin a casa el més aviat possible, i s'estan mantenint negociacions per establir rutes segures i vaixells que permetin la repatriació de tots els Hemogardians a Lindria i territoris circumdants, si ho desitgen.

Pel que fa a Yargash, reconeixem el seu desplegament de cavalleria d'elit com una mostra de solidaritat, però qüestionem el valor estratègic d’aquest gest. Els nostres propis equips militars i diplomàtics es preparen per a qualsevol contigència, però estem ferms en la nostra postura: qualsevol intervenció directa en aquest assumpte hauria de ser manejada amb cura, assegurant que no escalfi en un conflicte més ampli, ja que les ferides de la Guerra Hawkwasiana-Sovustiniana encara estan obertes i en les nostres ments. Estem oberts al diàleg amb totes les parts implicades, però la nostra prioritat és la protecció de la pau, l’estabilitat i la longevitat dins dels nostres boscos, aiguamolls i la nostra regió.

Johannes Sabina: Llavors, esteu dient que el govern no té la intenció de prendre cap acció militar immediata?

C.E.P. Ernest Drake: Actualment, no. El nostre objectiu és evitar el conflicte. Dit això, no dubtarem a defensar els nostres interessos si la necessitat ho exigeix. Estem compromesos amb la diplomàcia, però no dubtarem a actuar si creiem que la situació comprometeix la nostra seguretat. Ho hem deixat clar tant a Lindria com a qualsevol altra part implicada en els nostres intercanvis amb l'ambaixador lindrià, actualment a l'ambaixada de Lindria, a només uns quants carrers d'aquí.

Johannes Sabina: Hrm. Què opineu sobre els rumors circulants sobre suposats espies lindrians als nostres laboratoris?

C.E.P. Ernest Drake: L’Aranya ha estat alertada, i actualment estem buscant proposar noves lleis proteccionistes sobre la nostra indústria científica, per assegurar que la nostra intel·ligència militar no sigui compromesa. No obstant això, si soc sincer, home, crec que la Cambra Baixa s’oposarà a mesures que redueixin la llibertat de circulació de la informació, i com a tal, el Comissariat i jo mateix estem treballant dur per trobar solucions alternatives per assegurar-nos que la informació perillosa no caigui en mans equivocades.

A més, referint-nos de nou als temes relacionats amb els lindrians que resideixen a Hemogard, voldria negar aquestes falses afirmacions que estan subjectes a un control estatal intens. Si us plau, consulteu els últims censos lindrians i hemogardians, que mostren com Hemogard es classifica més de set vegades més baix en l'escala de MilliStalins d’Autoritarisme, i més de tres vegades més alt en l'escala de Drets Civils de Martin Luther King, Jr. Tot això és prova que Hemogard és una nació substancialment més lliure, llibertats protegides per la nostra constitució dels Estats Socialistes Units, que rebutja molts dels valors tirànics del Medioterisme. Ara, si m'excuseu, tinc una reunió a la qual assistir, i un metro que aviat marxarà.

Johannes Sabina: Moltes gràcies, Sr. Comissari Eco-Popular, i que tingueu un bon dia!

el micròfon s’acusa mentre els sorolls de xoc del metro que se'n va criden a través de l'estació

via United Confederation of Planets

The Holy Star Empire of Histarctica

New Year's Greetings from the United Confederation of Planets
To our Regional Allies, Partners and Embassies.

As we mark the transition to a new year, we at the United Confederation would like to send our heartfelt wishes for peace, prosperity and unity to all corners of the vast and never-ending multiverse.

This year has been marked by unprecedented progress in diplomacy for the UCP, with new alliances being forged and old ties being strengthened.

Together, we have proven that dialogue and mutual respect are the most powerful tools to overcome challenges and build bridges between regions.

In the coming year, we will intensify our efforts to promote regional development and strengthen our inter-regional ties.

On behalf of the United Confederation of Planets, we wish you a prosperous New Year. May the stars always shine upon your path.

Best regards,

Secretary of Diplomacy
United Confederation of Planets

The Federal Unity of Tomington

Official communiqué from the Desk of President James Mary. Translation: English

Hello my fellow Tominganders. Admiral of Honor Robert Noveau has unfortunately fallen ill and has been hospitalised. He doesn't appear to be in critical condition, but his timeline is still uncertian.
Having assumed the powers of the AoH, I have rescinded our navy from the international waters around Lindria. Tomington has no place mettling in the immigration affairs of two distant nations. As much as I respect the AoH, I don't think his actions were in the best interest of Tomington or her allies. Tomington will help support Lindria in negotiations, but direct intervention is certainly not on the menu.

- President James Mary
𝓙𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓼 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝔂

The Matriarché of That reborn place

Hemogard of Liberlandia wrote:Transcript from a street interview of People’s Eco-Commissar Ernest Drake

English (translated):

Field Reporter: Johannes Sabina

muffled microphone noises from the colliding passers-by

Johannes Sabina: Mr. People’s Eco-Commissar! Mr. People’s Eco-Commissar! A moment of your attention, please! Just a minute!

Ernest Drake turns around before entering the Mariiatarian clean and public metro

P.E.C. Ernest Drake: Hi there. For what newspaper is this?

Johannes Sabina: The People’s Columnist! We have a few questions on the Commissariate’s reaction to recent developments in Lindria and Yargash, it’d be the scoop of the month if you could accord us an immediate response.

P.E.C. Ernest Drake: Very well then. The metro leaves in seven minutes, I s’ppose I’ve the time for this. As it stands, the government has been monitoring the situation in Lindria closely, especially following the leadership change and the ban on Hemogardian immigration. While we respect the sovereign decisions of Lindria, we do believe such actions could have far-reaching consequences, particularly for diplomatic relations within Liberlandia. The Commissariate has publicly advised all Hemogardians in Lindria to return home as quickly as possible, and negotiations are happening to establish safe routes and boats allowing for the repatriation of all Hemogardians in Lindria and surrounding territories, should they want it.

As for Yargash, we recognise their deployment of elite cavalry as a show of solidarity, but we question the strategic value of such a gesture. Our own military and diplomatic teams are preparing for any contingency, but we’re firm in our stance: any direct intervention in this matter should be handled with caution, ensuring that it doesn't escalate into broader conflict, as the wounds of the Hawkwasian-Sovustinian War are still open and in our minds. We are open to dialogue with all parties involved, but our priority is the protection of peace, stability, and longevity within our forests, marshlands, and region.

Johannes Sabina: So, you’re saying that the government does not intend to take any immediate military action?

P.E.C. Ernest Drake: At present, no. Our goal is to avoid conflict. That said, we will not shy away from defending our interests should the need arise. We are committed to diplomacy, but we will not hesitate to act if we believe the situation compromises our security. We’ve made that clear to both Lindria and any other concerned parties in our exchanges with the Lindrian ambassador, presently stationed in the Lindrian embassy, just a few blocks from here.

Johannes Sabina: Hrm. What do you think of the circulating rumours surrounding alleged Lindrian spies in our laboratories?

P.E.C. Ernest Drake: The Spider has been alerted, and currently, we’re looking to propose some new protectionist bills regarding our scientific industry, to ensure that our military intelligence is not compromised. However, if I’m honest, man, I think the Lower House will stand opposed to measures that reduce the freedom of circulation of information, and as such, the Commissariate and myself are working hard to find alternative solutions to make certain dangerous information does not fall in the wrong hands.

Moreover, circling back to the matters relating to Lindrians residing in Hemogard, I would like to deny these foul claims that they are subject to intense state monitoring. Please refer to the latest Lindrian and Hemogardian censuses, which show how Hemogard ranks over seven times lower on the MilliStalins scale of Authoritarianism, and over three times higher on the Martin Luther King, Jr. scale of Civil Rights. All this is evidence that Hemogard is a substantially freer nation, freedoms safeguarded by our United Socialist States’ constitution, which rejects many of the tyrannical values of Medioternism. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a meeting to attend, and a soon-departing-metro to get in.

Johannes Sabina: Thank you so much, Mr. People’s Eco-Commissar, and have a good day!

the microphone aches as the screeching noises from the leaving metro boom all across the station

Transcript from a street interview of People’s Eco-Commissar Ernest Drake

Felibrian (original):

Reporter de Carrer: Johannes Sabina
sorolls de micròfon emmudits per les persones que col·lideixen entre elles

Johannes Sabina: Sr. Comissari Eco-Popular! Sr. Comissari Eco-Popular! Un moment de la vostra atenció, si us plau! Només un minut!

Ernest Drake es gira abans d’entrar a la neta i pública estació de metro Mariiatarian

C.E.P. Ernest Drake: Hola. De quin diari és això?

Johannes Sabina: El Columnista del Poble! Tenim algunes preguntes sobre la reacció del Comissariat als desenvolupaments recents a Lindria i Yargash, seria la notícia del mes si ens poguéssiu donar una resposta immediata.

C.E.P. Ernest Drake: Molt bé. El metro surt en set minuts, suposo que tinc temps per això. Tal com estan les coses, el govern ha estat supervisant de prop la situació a Lindria, sobretot després del canvi de lideratge i la prohibició de la immigració Hemogardiana. Tot i que respectem les decisions sobiranes de Lindria, creiem que aquestes accions podrien tenir conseqüències de gran abast, especialment per a les relacions diplomàtiques dins de Liberlandia. El Comissariat ha aconsellat públicament a tots els Hemogardians a Lindria que tornin a casa el més aviat possible, i s'estan mantenint negociacions per establir rutes segures i vaixells que permetin la repatriació de tots els Hemogardians a Lindria i territoris circumdants, si ho desitgen.

Pel que fa a Yargash, reconeixem el seu desplegament de cavalleria d'elit com una mostra de solidaritat, però qüestionem el valor estratègic d’aquest gest. Els nostres propis equips militars i diplomàtics es preparen per a qualsevol contigència, però estem ferms en la nostra postura: qualsevol intervenció directa en aquest assumpte hauria de ser manejada amb cura, assegurant que no escalfi en un conflicte més ampli, ja que les ferides de la Guerra Hawkwasiana-Sovustiniana encara estan obertes i en les nostres ments. Estem oberts al diàleg amb totes les parts implicades, però la nostra prioritat és la protecció de la pau, l’estabilitat i la longevitat dins dels nostres boscos, aiguamolls i la nostra regió.

Johannes Sabina: Llavors, esteu dient que el govern no té la intenció de prendre cap acció militar immediata?

C.E.P. Ernest Drake: Actualment, no. El nostre objectiu és evitar el conflicte. Dit això, no dubtarem a defensar els nostres interessos si la necessitat ho exigeix. Estem compromesos amb la diplomàcia, però no dubtarem a actuar si creiem que la situació comprometeix la nostra seguretat. Ho hem deixat clar tant a Lindria com a qualsevol altra part implicada en els nostres intercanvis amb l'ambaixador lindrià, actualment a l'ambaixada de Lindria, a només uns quants carrers d'aquí.

Johannes Sabina: Hrm. Què opineu sobre els rumors circulants sobre suposats espies lindrians als nostres laboratoris?

C.E.P. Ernest Drake: L’Aranya ha estat alertada, i actualment estem buscant proposar noves lleis proteccionistes sobre la nostra indústria científica, per assegurar que la nostra intel·ligència militar no sigui compromesa. No obstant això, si soc sincer, home, crec que la Cambra Baixa s’oposarà a mesures que redueixin la llibertat de circulació de la informació, i com a tal, el Comissariat i jo mateix estem treballant dur per trobar solucions alternatives per assegurar-nos que la informació perillosa no caigui en mans equivocades.

A més, referint-nos de nou als temes relacionats amb els lindrians que resideixen a Hemogard, voldria negar aquestes falses afirmacions que estan subjectes a un control estatal intens. Si us plau, consulteu els últims censos lindrians i hemogardians, que mostren com Hemogard es classifica més de set vegades més baix en l'escala de MilliStalins d’Autoritarisme, i més de tres vegades més alt en l'escala de Drets Civils de Martin Luther King, Jr. Tot això és prova que Hemogard és una nació substancialment més lliure, llibertats protegides per la nostra constitució dels Estats Socialistes Units, que rebutja molts dels valors tirànics del Medioterisme. Ara, si m'excuseu, tinc una reunió a la qual assistir, i un metro que aviat marxarà.

Johannes Sabina: Moltes gràcies, Sr. Comissari Eco-Popular, i que tingueu un bon dia!

el micròfon s’acusa mentre els sorolls de xoc del metro que se'n va criden a través de l'estació

this is so totally like a mixture of Spanish and French, lol

The White-Bellied n' Fishy Hover of Genus Salmonea

That reborn place wrote:this is so totally like a mixture of Spanish and French, lol

Yeah, no way, almost like the point is to make a language that's a mix of Mediterranean languages :0

It also resembles Catalan and Italian too :0
What's up by the way... Have you joined our Discord?

The Matriarché of That reborn place

Genus Salmonea wrote:Yeah, no way, almost like the point is to make a language that's a mix of Mediterranean languages :0

It also resembles Catalan and Italian too :0
What's up by the way... Have you joined our Discord?

i hadn't noticed that. i just saw blend of french and spanish lmao.

i'd been asked to but honestly i am no fan of discord and honestly try to not use it whenever possible because i try to get away from random arguments starting up over nothing.

The Republic of Urdans

Discord was blocked in Russia, but I can communicate here. I feel sorry for Henry Kissinger, he was a good geopolitician, a big loss for American politics

The White-Bellied n' Fishy Hover of Genus Salmonea

That reborn place wrote:i hadn't noticed that. i just saw blend of french and spanish lmao.

i'd been asked to but honestly i am no fan of discord and honestly try to not use it whenever possible because i try to get away from random arguments starting up over nothing.

Fair enough. You're always invited to join though!

Urdans wrote:Discord was blocked in Russia, but I can communicate here. I feel sorry for Henry Kissinger, he was a good geopolitician, a big loss for American politics

Well, look, the RMB is only as active as you want it to be. The majority of us communicate over there, but whatever topic you bring up or question you ask, we'll all come running here to reply :}

FYI, regional elections are coming soon!

The Holy Kaiserreich of Gotawa

Urdans wrote:Discord was blocked in Russia, but I can communicate here. I feel sorry for Henry Kissinger, he was a good geopolitician, a big loss for American politics

Hahaha, I think we will have much to debate here

The United Kingdom of Thercus

Urdans wrote:Discord was blocked in Russia, but I can communicate here. I feel sorry for Henry Kissinger, he was a good geopolitician, a big loss for American politics

Can you not use a VPN? Or is that blocked too

The Republic of Urdans

vpn is not blocked, but if without vpn it simply does not enter, then with vpn it does not even load the start panel

The Republic of Urdans

By the way, how do I book a place on the map?

The White-Bellied n' Fishy Hover of Genus Salmonea

Urdans wrote:By the way, how do I book a place on the map?

I'll do the map soon. Give me some options on where you'd rather be and I'll work it out.

The Republic of Urdans [img][/img]
in the local equivalent of the Caucasus

«12. . .90919293949596»