
Regional Chairman (Governor): Southern antoublia

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: Southern antoublia

Last WA Update:

Best Weather: 2,447th Most Beautiful Environments: 2,744th
World Factbook Entry

The Region of Inklestonia

Nation Members:
Southern antoublia
Northern antoublia

Embassies: Pact of Empires, The Conservative Democracies, Westminster, Mitteleuropa, Raxulan Empire, Mobius, The Alliance of Eros, Ticino, OS CORVOS, Pencil Sharpeners Puppet Storage, Union of Nationalists, The Embassy, North Alliance, Guinea Kiribati, Pecan Sandies, and True Waskaria.

The embassy with Mitteleuropa is being withdrawn. Closure expected .

The embassy with Raxulan Empire is being withdrawn. Closure expected .

The embassy with Union of Nationalists is being withdrawn. Closure expected .

Tags: Governorless and Minuscule.

Inklestonia is home to a single nation.


Today's World Census Report

The Most Advanced Public Education in Inklestonia

Fresh-faced World Census agents infiltrated schools with varying degrees of success in order to determine which nations had the most widespread, well-funded, and advanced public education programs.

As a region, Inklestonia is ranked 16,054th in the world for Most Advanced Public Education.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Oppressed Peoples of Hello BoysScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Queer & Here To Make You Disappear!”

Regional Happenings


Inklestonia Regional Message Board

Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

There are no lodged messages at present.