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Hiiiii I'm back :3

The Retired of Improper Classifications

Malesub wrote:Hiiiii I'm back :3

Welcome back! Hang around with us for a while, the next person I’ll deploy won’t be you don’t worry

The Dominion of Angelica Cybernetica
The Kingdom of Iceland-Scotland
The Boy Band Sweetheart of Tae Young
The Music Broadcasting Station of Jamming

The Dominion of Angelica Cybernetica

Iceland-Scotland wrote:Yes.

Absolutely not.

The Hormone Replacement Tyrant of Omnicontrol

I'll pretend I know what's going on

The Femboy of SatOwO

Imagine CTEing. That'd be, like, so cringe

The Hormone Replacement Tyrant of Omnicontrol

SatOwO wrote:Imagine CTEing. That'd be, like, so cringe

That's why I never let any of my nations CTE

via The Celestial Order

The Hyrule Kingdom of Sateru

Omnicontrol wrote:That's why I never let any of my nations CTE

nation=omni/detail=factbook/id=main look at this!!!

The Retired of Improper Classifications

Sateru wrote:nation=omni/detail=factbook/id=main look at this!!!

MegaNova meet GigaNova meet TeraNova meet UltraNova meet MaxiNova

The Hormone Replacement Tyrant of Omnicontrol
The Dominion of Angelica Cybernetica

“If they can’t pay up, why we’ll get a Femboy tribunal involved!” - one of my issues


Angelica Cybernetica wrote:“If they can’t pay up, why we’ll get a Femboy tribunal involved!” - one of my issues

I just imagined Astoflo in judge robes and the powdered wig

The Rogue Nation of Astolfan Femboys

Malesub wrote:I just imagined Astoflo in judge robes and the powdered wig

"I sentence you to death by lethal injection :3"

The Queendom of Astolfotron

Apparently my previous region has been destroyed by an invader, can I stay here now pweeeease? :(

The Republic of Twinksburg

Astolfotron wrote:Apparently my previous region has been destroyed by an invader, can I stay here now pweeeease? :(

Hopefully they do, if not we can make our own region

The Dominion of Angelica Cybernetica

One day, I will make this nation something interesting.

That's future me's problem.

So...how are you all doing this?

The Femboy of SatOwO

Astolfotron wrote:Apparently my previous region has been destroyed by an invader, can I stay here now pweeeease? :(

Twinksburg wrote:Hopefully they do, if not we can make our own region

Don't worry, you can find refuge here <3 I don't think I'm making this raidable anytime soon. Not by choice, at least

The Music Broadcasting Station of Jamming

Angelica Cybernetica wrote:So...how are you all doing this?

with quite a lot of self-deprecating jokes and the dream of a better tomorrow, where "chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

completely unreltatedteedad:
does anyone else here have a lazy eye?

The Queendom of Astolfotron

SatOwO wrote:Don't worry, you can find refuge here <3 I don't think I'm making this raidable anytime soon. Not by choice, at least


The Republic of Twinksburg

Jamming wrote:with quite a lot of self-deprecating jokes and the dream of a better tomorrow, where "chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

completely unreltatedteedad:
does anyone else here have a lazy eye?

No I don’t think so, not me at least

via Transgender

The Transgender City of Aromantic

Jamming wrote:completely unreltatedteedad:
does anyone else here have a lazy eye?

forgot that this was me and almost responded “oh, yes! i do!”
i think i might have cried if i actually did that

The United States of KaizerFOUNDATION

I don't think an inactive account/person like me would be fitting for this small but active community, and I'll be removing myself. I wish you all the best.

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