Chicken Army

Governor: The Empire of Kensor

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Empire of Kensor

Last WA Update:

Most Rebellious Youth: 2,115th
World Factbook Entry

Welcome to Chicken army, a region created by Kensor after he left New Chiken.
Here, freedom of speech is welcomed, and you will be made officer on request. For any more questions, contact Kensor using telegram.

Do as you please, and get involved in debates if you want, but DO NOT: swear, it is unnecessary, ask for endorsement when you have already gotten... 3, for now.
Please consider joining the INCIA (Link here )

Allies: Tortlian
Region Allies: The Raiders Commune, New Chiken. (maybe Lair of the Dragon)
Members: Kensor, Asperity, Rocketfuel87.
We are a panda region. And a chicken one, too.

Chickens unite! Unified Chiken Utopia

Embassies: Chicken overlords, Guinea Kiribati, True Waskaria, The Embassy, The Raiders Commune, SAT words, The European Continent Europa, THE W0RLD, RPS, Gypsy Lands, Pecan Sandies, Nulls, Black Roses, Ticino, Metropolitan Union, Union of Jonarian Nations, and 7 others.Corvinia, Unified Chiken Utopia, Greater Hanguardian Islands, Freelands, Petropavlosk Kamchatski, Brebinan Army, and Mobius.

Tags: Anarchist, Capitalist, Communist, Defender, Eco-Friendly, Embassy Collector, Imperialist, Independent, Map, Minuscule, Neutral, Social, and 1 other.Socialist.

Chicken Army contains 5 nations, the 4,525th most in the world.


Today's World Census Report

The Most Advanced Public Education in Chicken Army

Fresh-faced World Census agents infiltrated schools with varying degrees of success in order to determine which nations had the most widespread, well-funded, and advanced public education programs.

As a region, Chicken Army is ranked 16,861st in the world for Most Advanced Public Education.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Oppressed Peoples of Bloodthirsty CriminalsMoralistic Democracy“$$$MONEY$$$MONEY$$$MONEY$$$”
2.The Empire of KensorDemocratic Socialists“Workers of the world, unite!”
3.The Constitutional Monarchy of AsperityAnarchy“Roughness, harshness”
4.The Community of LavingtonScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Canada is boring”
5.The Constitutional Monarchy of Pilisjazsfalu-HungaryInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Az élet szép”

Regional Happenings


Chicken Army Regional Message Board

Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

The Empire of Kensor

Wanderer from Nowhere wrote:conflict of nations?

No, something like this:

The Empire of Kensor

Kensor wrote:No, something like this:

Do you like it?

The United Socialist States of OverSimplified Soviet Socialist Republic

waiting here for a bit


The Dictatorship of Joe Biden 2028

yo i need a wa member to be the first delegate of new chiken


The Dictatorship of Joe Biden 2028

Kensor wrote:We really shouldn't target fascist regions. Nazis and fascists and commies and capitalists... All good ideologies, the only problem is the people who use them. Sure, Hitler's reich was bad, but only because it was hitlers. Nowhere in the Nationalist or Socialist ideologies does it call for no more jewish people.

Same thing with communism. Communism didn't send millions of people to there deaths. That was Stalin.

Truth is, an ideology is not a physical thing. It can't kill anybody. in the end, it's really just important people choosing between money and people.

I take this back actually

bad. us chikens should never choose anything bad. im disssapointed.

East Chimore wrote:You're explicitly excusing fascism AND NAZISM in the post right above mine. I didn't think there was anything cryptic but let me spell it out.

Fascism = bad.

im so sorri about my dear friend. i wont happen again, i promise


The Dictatorship of Joe Biden 2028

New Chiken does not endorse fascism or nazism


The United Socialist States of OverSimplified Soviet Socialist Republic

all New Chiken residents- Refounding was successful, please move back!

The Republic of Region saver 2

we gonna spread misinfo in The Northern Union for fun.

just say chicken _____ and stuff!

The Constitutional Monarchy of Asperity

Region saver 2 wrote:we gonna spread misinfo in The Northern Union for fun.

just say chicken _____ and stuff!


The Constitutional Monarchy of Asperity

Kensor you there?

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