Bunny Bunny Shake Shake Empire

Governor: The Confederacy of The Interstellar Confederacy 91

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Confederacy of The Interstellar Confederacy 91

Last WA Update:

Largest Pizza Delivery Sector: 1,377th Most Average: 2,830th
World Factbook Entry

Colony of The Interstellar Confederacy

Refounded on 2024/12/12

Embassies: The Interstellar Confederacy.

Tags: Minuscule and Password.

Bunny Bunny Shake Shake Empire is home to a single nation.


Today's World Census Report

The Most Advanced Public Education in Bunny Bunny Shake Shake Empire

Fresh-faced World Census agents infiltrated schools with varying degrees of success in order to determine which nations had the most widespread, well-funded, and advanced public education programs.

As a region, Bunny Bunny Shake Shake Empire is ranked 20,698th in the world for Most Advanced Public Education.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Confederacy of The Interstellar Confederacy 91Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Unity, Discipline, Work”

Regional Happenings


Bunny Bunny Shake Shake Empire Regional Message Board

Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

There are no lodged messages at present.