
Region: Africa

The Confederacy of Hammerford

Indiaxxx wrote:Topic: Retirement
Concerned Authorities: Africa Roleplay, Me, unfortunately not existing Greater Nubian Empire
Date: 12 November 2024

Unfortunately, due to real life commitments (college and internships) and other important duties, I unfortunately have to declare my retirement.

While this seems somewhat abrupt for some, for many, the lack of Roleplay was the indication that this way was going to come.

This decision was been planned since August, while alternatives to prevent such action were been discovered, by early November, it has become clear that there are unfortunately, no alternatives.

Starting for today, the Indiaxxx account shall cease to function and my temporary Administrative duties in the International Assembly of Nation States shall also cease today.

For those who are not in Africa Roleplay Discord, this is my farewell. Keep the region prospering, keep it safe from the raiders (utilize Nubia's 2,000 black jets for that) and stay nice, thats all. Bless the Rains!


You will be missed. Thanks for your time and contributions to the Africa community. All the best for your studies and career 🫡
