
Region: Africa

The Smirnoff of Navoj Dazpoly


Are Middle Eastern Refugees Disrupting the Peace?

As the war rages on in the middle east, thousands of immigrants from Akzvoria, Maghrebbiya and even Indopersia seek asylum in mostly the Swedish country.

However, this leads to a problem. Many of these refugees have been seen disrupting the peace, for example petty crimes like pickpocketing, vandalism and even burglary.

Extreme cases commited by refugees involve assault, armed robbery, murder and in very rare cases, (...). in certain areas around Metro Stockholm. Many Scandinavian civillians are questioning whether these refugees should continue to be allowed to take asylum in Scandinavia.

The Representative to the EU Temun Kazradinovič, a Bosnian Muslim has expressed his disinterest towards denying asylum for Middle Eastern refugees, saying that "theres nowhere else they can go".

We don't expect a response from Mr. Töpal as he hasnt done a public statement in 4 months.
