
Region: Africa

The Secularist Federal Republic of Roentgenia

Terrorism rises in Roentgenia

In the Roentgenian countryside, a new extremist group that calls itself "The People's Militia of Freedom", is influencing farmers through anti-Roentgenian propaganda and brainwashing them into revolting.
Hundreds of farmers marched to Roentgenia's agricultural hub, Ferdilt, on 23rd October 2024 and marched in protest, while stealing valuables from shops and massacring anyone unfortunate enough to be outside that day.

A battle between the Ferdilt Police Corps (196 in number) and the farmers (963 in number) ensued, in which the farmers were rounded up and arrested, while 17 policemen were killed and 43 heavily injured. The farmers will be tried in court for murder, mass killing, and assault.

The Roentgenian Army has deployed its troops in the countryside and is conducting a search operation for the terrorists. The troops have been given a 'shoot-on-sight' order.
