
Region: Africa


The Kattian Peace Agreement & Other Ongoings of the Kattian Government

Peace Agreement reached with the KLA, RKD, and others
In a huge meeting in the nation's capital of Kinshasa, representatives of the Kongolese Liberation Army, Rally for Kongolese Democracy, and various ethnic militias, a formal peace agreement was reached between all parties. Firstly, the Kattian state shall devolve power to local assemblies, providing a stronger voice for local, ethnically-aligned representatives. Secondly, new elections are to be held, with minimal restrictions on the formation of new parties. Finally, the Kattian Central Government is to be heavily reformed, purging the remaining members of the Segregationists from the halls of government, bureaucracy, and the military.

These elections have been formally announced for the 31st of October, including local elections to the newly formed devolved governments. Thus far, multiple parties have emerged from the heap to contest these elections:

Kattian Republican Congress - Big Tent, Liberal-leaning
The current ruling party of Katti, the Kattian Republican Congress is a big tent organisation originating from the Third Kattian Revolution that overthrew the White-led Apartheid State of Katti. With members ranging from socialists to centrist liberals to conservatives, the organisation has little direction but a lot of inertia. As of recent, the centrist Liberals have managed to win power within the organisation, and have overseen huge foreign investment into Katti, with all the positives and negatives that brings. In addition, the Republicans have integrated parts of the KLA and RKD, expanding their electoral sway much further into the interior. Few believe that the Kattian Republican Congress can really lose its absolute majority in this election; rather, the true results of the election are in which factions win the most and which lose the most, alongside the performance of their external partners.

The Kattian Socialist Party - Reformist Marxism, Popular Front strategy
The Kattian Socialist Party has been present since the Second Kattian Revolution and has gone through various stages. As of now, the Kattian Socialist Party follows a (very) reformist Marxist approach, calling for the cartelisation of industry to promote investment and prepare them for future nationalisation. In addition, the Kattian Socialist Party wishes to pursue a "Popular Front strategy" - in effect, cooperating with the left and centre to ensure the steady implementation of some socialist policies to convince the working class of its effectiveness, before electoral victories eliminate the need to cooperate with the bourgeoise centre. Currently, they are predicted to make modest gains, although the lack of any inflow thanks to the recent peace agreement may harm them.

Rally for the Congolese People - Conservative, pro-Devolution
Formed from the remainder of the KLA and CKD, the Rally for the Congolese People is a deeply Conservative, ethnically diverse party with a strong presence in the nation's interior. The RCP heavily supports the devolved governments and has made this a centerpiece of their campaign, rallying support from smaller, less notable tribe and ethnic groups with Katti. They are predicted to make significant gains, although it is unlikely that they can depose the Kattian Republican Congress. At most, some political experts state that the RCP might cooperate with the Republican Congress, either indirectly or directly via a coalition, but this remains to be seen.

The Formation of the Anti-Corruption and Anti-Terrorism units
With the significant investments of the Kattian state alongside foreign states, there is now significant risk of a surge in corruption with Katti. Not only that, but sightings of the RANF - a terrorist group who refused peace overtures following the end of the Kattian Civil War - places a direct threat on the infrastructure projects of the new state. Therefore, the Kattian Government officially declares the creation of the new Anti-Corruption and Anti-Terrorism units. A mixture of dedicated military soldiers, policeman, and loyal bureacrats, these units shall wipe out embezzlement, corruption, and terrorism within the Kattian state before it has time to fester.

Bro Kinaba, Kingdom of Saint Paul, and Russian socialist federations
