
Region: Africa

The Secularist Federal Republic of Roentgenia

Response from Roentgenia to rising tensions between the U.R.S.F and the Aurarian Empire

The External Affairs Department has released this statement following heated conflict between Russian socialist federations and Lunar sand.
Roentgenia shall not support or oppose any side and will stay neutral, although humanitarian aid shall be provided to the affected people of both sides in case of war. Refugees are very well welcome.

The External Affairs Department advises expatriates of Roentgenia from the following nations to immediately return to their homelands:
Vinland-Riki Lunar sand Russian socialist federations and Navoj Dazpoly

We will not tolerate any nation's military camps or operations taking place in Roentgenia. Any military jets, tanks, armored vehicles, warships, or submarines found trespassing into Roentgenian territory shall be shot down, bombed, or torpedoed, regardless of what nation it belongs to.

Sven Dockrell
External Affairs Minister of Roentgenia

Bro Kinaba and Indiaxxx
