
Region: the Rejected Realms

The Unforgiving Cold of Arctic Lands

Earthly Cossack wrote:It was caused because Stalin wanted grain and didn’t care about the people. They refused to help the people, arrested, denied they were suffering.
Four million died. Most Ukrainians. If that isn’t genocide then we have a problem.
The death range varies between 5 - 25%, no numbers to be proud off. Million died.

Stalin ordered 16k tons of grain to be sent to starving regions and ordered a plethora of other measures to curb the famine, stuff you would know if you studied history by actual documents. Four million is a vastly exaggerated number, in fact, by an order of magnitude. This is a tragedy, but not a genocide since genocide implies intent.
Death rates in gulag varied between 0.9% in the best years and 16% during WW2. You may also notice that death rates correspond directly to economic conditions of USSR. And, if you look at profits the system made, you would notice they were in the negatives, implying the whole thing was tax-funded and the labor was there to rehabilitate criminals and not exploit them.
