
Region: The Embassy

The Dirty but Lucrative Affairs of A Goblinoid Merchant

Paperino wrote:

P.s Pinocchio is Lewisham slang for 'puppets'

Are they made from wood, too?

Lower Slobbovia wrote:At least we didn’t lose any to raiders!

Istantine wrote:Wait but-
*looks at admin*

Before the raid, when I was alone here, we had like 100 embassies closing at a time.

I think it correlates with the freshness of the embassies. It will start after a while with more and more founders ceasing after a while.

Jacrovnia wrote:Embassy Report for 04-13-2021 Minor
Embassies Before Update: 2016
Embassies After Update: 2016
It looks like we'll get to see "and 2,000 others." for at least a little while longer, because we just broke even for the first time since the raid!

First time no increase, suddenly, that's funny.

Demonos, Reminated republic, Lower Slobbovia, Catherine Louise Marie Ernestine Freneau, and 1 otherJacrovnia
