
Region: The Fallout Wasteland

The Kingdom of Acadiana of Praal

Vault 257.
Killeen, TX.

A week has passed since the establishment of Nolan's Dawn just outside the Vault; providing the first permanent aboveground 'settlement' in the Republic of Texas. Brave individuals from Dawn have rapidly taken to scavenging the homes outside the Fort proper for furniture, allowing for a true sense of home within the former military office building. In conjunction with Representative Bell from the Vault's Hydroponics division, Representative Stefek and President Graves have drafted plans for a two hundred acre farm directly west of Nolan's Dawn. This farmstead will allow for the Republic to lay down further roots as they stake their claim to Texas, providing more than enough food for the entire population - and, should benevolent wastelanders be found, trade opportunities.

While Nolan's Dawn begins to prosper, President Graves has given Bravo Team of the Texas Rangers a new assignment; scout out the Killeen Industrial Park and identify anything that may prove useful to the Republic. After setting out, Bravo discovered several buildings of note - Zekelman Industries, Central Transportation Industries, and Kyrish Government Group. Preliminary scouting revels that Zekelman was a company that specialized in modular buildings utilizing steel frames, with many 'sample' buildings already in place within their warehouse; with effort, they could be brought back towards Nolan's Dawn and used for a variety of purposes such as new housing for dwellers wishing to leave the Vault, ready-made fortifications for the Armed Forces, and even broken apart to be used as rudimentary walls around the area for defense. Central Transportation provides a wealth of auto parts and 18-wheelers, though many of their vehicles have long since rusted into uselessness - however, the Republic can surely find some use for the husks.

Kyrish, however, is the crown jewel of the mission. Using diesel engine repair as their primary service, Bravo Team discovered that Kyrish also offered services to the Department of Defense such as tactical vehicle upgrades, light manufacturing, and a separate storeroom of replacement parts for Army vehicles. Should the Republic wish to become motorized, Kyrish will be the key to creating and repairing vehicles of their own.
