
Region: Republic of China

Hong kong-macao

Cote Nord wrote:Taiwan was always called Republic of China (since 1912), as it claimed to be the legitimate government for all of China, and China Beijing was called Peoples Republic of China, and claimed Taiwan as it's own, and claims to be the legitimate government for all of China. When the communists overthrew the warlords, the warlords moved to Taiwan, moving the capital from Beijing to Taipei on 1949 Dec 7th.

I wonder if you meant Nanjing, the capital of the Republic of China from that period. Yes, Beijing was a capital for a bit, due to to the influence of the Beiyang Army and Northern Warlords, seeing it as a legitimate city of China, whereas Nanjing was seen as a city where the Kuomintang could consolidate its' group from there, and construct from scratch. Do note, that the Kuomintang was showcasing its' attempt as if a government or political entity construct a city from nothing to a city of modernism. Suggested with many archives in construction of Nanjing's Central "Political Administrative Zone" simply, China's Washington Capital District in simple terms. It's very interesting if you look further into China's Baidu where there is quite of a lot of information on the construction of the city, especially, plans on residential areas, and its' very odd yet interesting public housing. :)

Cote Nord, The united union of socialists, and Sichuanprovince
