Bluecrown KeepAdministration

Officers Border Control Embassies Communications


Bluecrown Keep is controlled by a Governor, who has complete authority while resident in the region.

King (Governor): The Singularity of Galactic Powers


  1. The Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa of Furghas

  2. The Republic of Ferrovo

  3. The Queendom of Quess Paraya State

  4. The Guns of Freedom of M1A2 Abrams Tank

  5. The Federation of Systems of Enaia

  6. The Ubiquitous missile silos of Mushroom Gorge


Regions can change Frontier status at any time, but it's a slow process with serious consequences. FAQ: Frontier or not?

Nations with Executive authority can use the button below. It will take 14 days to complete, and can be canceled.


Bluecrown Keep has a Governor, a non-executive unfilled Delegate position, and 10 Officers. (?)

Executive Can appoint/dismiss Officers and set their authority. Governors can modify the authority of Delegates, but Delegates cannot modify Governors. If the Governor is absent from the region, the Delegate gains Executive authority automatically ("by circumstance").
World Assembly Can vote on World Assembly proposals and resolutions.
Successor Can become Governor if the region's current Governor abdicates or ceases to exist.
Appearance Can modify the World Factbook Entry, Flag, and Tags, and pin Dispatches.
Border Control By spending Regional Influence, can eject/ban/unban nations and set/modify/remove the region password.
Communications Can send region-wide telegrams without stamps, compose Welcome telegrams, suppress & unsuppress posts on the Regional Message Board, and control who can recruit for the region.
Embassies Can open/close embassies with other regions and extend embassy posting privileges.
Polls Can create polls.
The Singularity of Galactic Powers King Executive Appearance Border Control Communications Embassies Polls
WA Delegate World Assembly
by Dominioan
Appearance Border Control Communications Embassies Polls
Puppets anonymousTotally not a Puppet Guys, I swear
by Dominioan
The Republic of FerrovoHes been here a while
by Galactic Powers
Successor Communications Polls
BrillelundA real nation that is not a Barlyy puppet
by Galactic Powers
The Queendom of Quess Paraya StateGundam
by Galactic Powers
Successor Border Control Communications Embassies Polls
The Federation of Systems of Enaialiterally resigned nato carthographer XD
by Galactic Powers
Successor Appearance Border Control Communications Embassies Polls
The Ubiquitous missile silos of Mushroom GorgePrime Minister
by Galactic Powers
Successor Border Control Communications Embassies Polls
The Guns of Freedom of M1A2 Abrams TankBad to the Bone 💀
by Galactic Powers
Successor Communications Embassies Polls
The Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa of FurghasHe's literally me fr
by Galactic Powers
Superpower spainKawaii chess catgirl
by Galactic Powers
Communications Embassies Polls

Border Control

  • Nations do require a password to enter Bluecrown Keep.

  • The region's password is displayed to residents.

  • Nations banned from Bluecrown Keep: Andrha pradesh, Baloo exterminator, Baloo kindgom, Bobberino73, Callmedaddystratton, Dmbbcdho, Do the dew, Dommorithandgiondra, Dyanp-13, Emplavilia, Ethics committie of the scpf, GOLTZBORG, Iwraennanait, Kreoxatha, My name is the best, Nais cleaning, Navy corp, No nationes, Rough night squad, Saxton Hale, Sbbseize, Scorch the land, Sireester, Six bagger, Sorianoria, Stratton01, Terran gaurdxi, Upug, West inver sch, Wordoi, Xand the hasor.


Regional embassies signal that formal diplomatic relations exist between regions.

The Imperial Republican StatesPending (imminently)
1. Callista
2. The Vincence Empire
3. Just relax
4. First World Order
5. The DankLeft Commune
6. The Red Fox Pact
7. Isle Of Wooloo Kingdom
8. Institute of Cellulose
9. Dark Paths
10. The Lancer Fan Club
11. Dominioan Holdings
12. Council of Constructed Languages
13. Guinea Kiribati
14. Fredonia
15. Zentari
16. Aethor
17. Old Zealand
18. Pax Oilanzandia
19. NATO 2022
20. Mitteleuropa
21. One Collective Brain Cell
22. The Vincence Pact
23. The Prosperous Lands of Ingsoc
24. The Embassy 1
25. Wonderful Region Of Wanderlust
26. The Everlasting Kawaii Empire
27. Regionless
28. IWK supreme court
30. RRCC
31. Osakaland
32. 001 Alpha Prime
33. The Multiversal Tavern
34. Kommuland
35. The Tea
36. Ode to Barlyy
37. The Tavern

Bluecrown Keep Message Board

Nations in embassy regions are permitted to post on the Bluecrown Keep Regional Message Board.


Welcome Telegram: None.

Recruitment: All residents may send recruitment telegrams.