
All Polls

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LazarusHaving a Sinking feeling...66New Rogernomics
LazarusWhat's your reaction to the attempted coup?40New Rogernomics
LazarusWhat is your stance on zombies?81New Rogernomics
LazarusWhat are you going as this Halloween?50New Rogernomics
LazarusAre You Interested In Applying For Lazarene Citizenship29Debussy
LazarusWhat draws you most to a region?40New Rogernomics
LazarusWhat do you want polls about?17New Rogernomics
LazarusConsidering running to be a regional representative for Lazarus?24New Rogernomics
LazarusMmph MMPH mmph mmph?26Treadwellia
LazarusIn the name of humanity, united we strive.21The martian democracy
LazarusShould I have permanent poll provileges instead of just temporary privileges?26The martian democracy
LazarusShould I start a new regional roleplay?24The martian democracy
LazarusWhat should we call our stronghold/frontier27New Rogernomics
LazarusWhat are you doing these holidays?32New Rogernomics
LazarusIf we set up a stronghold/frontier would you...19New Rogernomics
LazarusWhat would you want the most in a stronghold/frontier?20New Rogernomics
LazarusIf we set up a frontier/stronghold for Lazarus, how would we theme it?47New Rogernomics
LazarusFirst Citizen (PM) Question Time9New Rogernomics
LazarusWould you join The Lazarene League if turned into a frontier?25New Rogernomics
LazarusHow do you react to Frontiers & Strongholds?62New Rogernomics

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