Faction: Atomic Defense Union
Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Strategic Specialist DESTROYED
View Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest
- : Puddle the Pig Nova Arctic Republic 59 Strikes on Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union
- : Puddle the Pig Nova Arctic Republic 375 Launches at Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union
- : Puddle the Pig Nova Arctic Republic 375 Targets on Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union
- : Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union 101 Shield defending Hemogard Atomic Defense Union from Saltidia Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness
- : Star Wars III Revenge of the Sloths Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 41 Strikes on Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union
- : Star Wars III Revenge of the Sloths Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 165 Launches at Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union
- : Star Wars III Revenge of the Sloths Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 165 Targets on Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union
- : Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union 330 Shield defending The Jewnited States of Murica Atomic Defense Union from The Horkish People Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness
- : Havockie Atomic Defense Union 8 Shield defending Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union from Clean land Bikini Atoll
- : Chinese Federalist Government Grand Coalition 18 Shield defending Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union from Clean land Bikini Atoll
- : Clean land Bikini Atoll 8 Launches at Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union
- : Clean land Bikini Atoll 18 Launches at Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union
- : SHIELDBANK 75 Shield defending Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union from Clean land Bikini Atoll
- : SHIELDBANK 300 Shield defending Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union from Clean land Bikini Atoll
- : Clean land Bikini Atoll 75 Launches at Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union
- : Clean land Bikini Atoll 300 Launches at Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union
- : Clean land Bikini Atoll 8 Targets on Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union
- : Clean land Bikini Atoll 18 Targets on Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union
- : Clean land Bikini Atoll 75 Targets on Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union
- : Clean land Bikini Atoll 300 Targets on Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union
- : Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union 187 Shield defending Whiskany Atomic Defense Union from Kerbalskan Northern Kerbalia
- : SHIELDBANK 21 Shield defending Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union from The Workplace Grand Coalition
- : The Workplace Grand Coalition 21 Launches at Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union
- : The Workplace Grand Coalition 21 Targets on Steel Soul Jinn of Hallownest Atomic Defense Union