Faction: Bikini Atoll
Ritoincanmo Strategic Specialist DESTROYED
- : United treseictrasia Horsemen of the Apocalypse 0 Strikes on Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Impolite penguin 85 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 41 Strikes on Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : United treseictrasia Horsemen of the Apocalypse 415 Launches at Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Impolite penguin 85 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 418 Launches at Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : SHIELDBANK 270 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Vectors Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : SHIELDBANK 433 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Aquarii 062 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : SHIELDBANK 188 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Galdanulia Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : Lemonade is Good Bikini Atoll 16 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Galdanulia Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : Aadhiris Grand Coalition 2 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Galdanulia Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : CreepieMezzo Horsemen of the Apocalypse 64 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Galdanulia Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : Vectors Horsemen of the Apocalypse 270 Launches at Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Aquarii 062 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 433 Launches at Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Galdanulia Horsemen of the Apocalypse 270 Launches at Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : United treseictrasia Horsemen of the Apocalypse 415 Targets on Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Impolite penguin 85 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 418 Targets on Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Aquarii 062 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 433 Targets on Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Vectors Horsemen of the Apocalypse 270 Targets on Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Galdanulia Horsemen of the Apocalypse 270 Targets on Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : SHIELDBANK 160 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Kan gravia Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Daewoo Espero CXDi Anime Nations Against Liberals 60 Strikes on Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Doratica Grand Coalition 45 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Kan gravia Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Iunta Grand Coalition 50 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Kan gravia Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Daewoo Espero CXDi Anime Nations Against Liberals 238 Launches at Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Kan gravia Anime Nations Against Liberals 255 Launches at Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Australaisan workers in exile embassy Grand Coalition 25 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Jamalito The RainDrop Pact
- : Cousco Grand Coalition 19 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Jamalito The RainDrop Pact
- : Region Hoppers and Spies with Long Names Grand Coalition 10 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Jamalito The RainDrop Pact
- : Fatimya Grand Coalition 6 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Jamalito The RainDrop Pact
- : Jamalito The RainDrop Pact 19 Launches at Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Jamalito The RainDrop Pact 41 Launches at Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Kan gravia Anime Nations Against Liberals 255 Targets on Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Daewoo Espero CXDi Anime Nations Against Liberals 238 Targets on Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Jamalito The RainDrop Pact 19 Targets on Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Jamalito The RainDrop Pact 41 Targets on Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : SHIELDBANK 120 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Chimoreian Imperial Legion CCLI Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : SHIELDBANK 79 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Chimoreian Imperial Legion CCXXX Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : SHIELDBANK 112 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Chimoreian Imperial Legion CXIX Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Chimoreian Imperial Legion CCLI Anime Nations Against Liberals 120 Launches at Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Chimoreian Imperial Legion CCXXX Anime Nations Against Liberals 79 Launches at Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Chimoreian Imperial Legion CXIX Anime Nations Against Liberals 112 Launches at Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Chimoreian Imperial Legion CCLI Anime Nations Against Liberals 120 Targets on Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Chimoreian Imperial Legion CCXXX Anime Nations Against Liberals 79 Targets on Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Chimoreian Imperial Legion CXIX Anime Nations Against Liberals 112 Targets on Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : SHIELDBANK 57 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Krusha European Defence Force
- : Krusha European Defence Force 57 Launches at Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Krusha European Defence Force 57 Targets on Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : SHIELDBANK 420 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Switz got Lazy 274 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : Switz got Lazy 274 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 420 Launches at Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : Switz got Lazy 274 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 420 Targets on Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition
- : SHIELDBANK 248 Shield defending Ritoincanmo Grand Coalition from Switz got Lazy 356 Horsemen of the Apocalypse