Outer Konestana Economic Specialist
- : Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 1,002 Targets on Cheese is Overrated Funia and Friends
- : Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 32 Strikes on The Green Union Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Radio ga ga Motokata Defense Coalition 15 Shield defending The Green Union Motokata Defense Coalition from Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness
- : Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 142 Launches at The Green Union Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 142 Targets on The Green Union Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Golubyacha Gromada Horsemen of the Apocalypse 380 Shield defending Gromazia Horsemen of the Apocalypse from Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness
- : Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 380 Launches at Gromazia Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 380 Targets on Gromazia Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : SHIELDBANK 174 Shield defending The Socialist State of Brazil Anime Nations Against Liberals from Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness
- : Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 174 Launches at The Socialist State of Brazil Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 174 Targets on The Socialist State of Brazil Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 25 Shield defending Wolf 224 Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness from The Socialist State of Brazil Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Atg 003 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 2 Shield defending NUCL 38 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force from Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness
- : Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 2 Launches at NUCL 38 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 2 Targets on NUCL 38 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : NUCL 38 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 29 Strikes on Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness
- : NUCL 38 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 115 Launches at Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness
- : Blended Brisket Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 173 Shield defending Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness from Atg 001 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : Atg 001 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 173 Launches at Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness
- : NUCL 38 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 115 Targets on Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness
- : Atg 001 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 173 Targets on Outer Konestana Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness