Faction: Bikini Atoll
Fererland Military Specialist DESTROYED
- : Lunar sand The RainDrop Pact 49 Shield defending Akzvoria The RainDrop Pact from Fererland Grand Coalition
- : SHIELDBANK 200 Shield defending Akzvoria The RainDrop Pact from Fererland Grand Coalition
- : SHIELDBANK 200 Shield defending Akzvoria The RainDrop Pact from Fererland Grand Coalition
- : Akzvoria The RainDrop Pact 100 Strikes on Fererland Grand Coalition
- : SHIELDBANK 115 Shield defending Akzvoria The RainDrop Pact from Fererland Grand Coalition
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 564 Launches at Akzvoria The RainDrop Pact
- : New Fererland Grand Coalition 7 Shield defending Fererland Grand Coalition from Akzvoria The RainDrop Pact
- : Chinese Federalist Government Grand Coalition 41 Shield defending Fererland Grand Coalition from Akzvoria The RainDrop Pact
- : New Fererland Grand Coalition 14 Shield defending Fererland Grand Coalition from Akzvoria The RainDrop Pact
- : Lower Nubia The RainDrop Pact 450 Targets on Fererland Grand Coalition
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 150 Shield defending Fererland Grand Coalition from Akzvoria The RainDrop Pact
- : Akzvoria The RainDrop Pact 765 Launches at Fererland Grand Coalition
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 50 Shield defending Fererland Grand Coalition from Landbang Rkipo Islands The RainDrop Pact
- : Landbang Rkipo Islands The RainDrop Pact 50 Launches at Fererland Grand Coalition
- : Hugothia The RainDrop Pact 148 Targets on Fererland Grand Coalition
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 564 Targets on Akzvoria The RainDrop Pact
- : Landbang Rkipo Islands The RainDrop Pact 100 Targets on Fererland Grand Coalition
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 564 Targets on Landbang Rkipo Islands The RainDrop Pact
- : Akzvoria The RainDrop Pact 765 Targets on Fererland Grand Coalition
- : Landbang Rkipo Islands The RainDrop Pact 50 Targets on Fererland Grand Coalition
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 49 Shield defending Unikon Grand Coalition from Landbang Rkipo Islands The RainDrop Pact
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 22 Shield defending Selucrayse Grand Coalition from Lunar sand The RainDrop Pact
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 4 Shield defending Esty bro Grand Coalition from Great hannara The RainDrop Pact
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 25 Shield defending Lethinia Grand Coalition from Akzvoria The RainDrop Pact
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 81 Shield defending Lethinia Grand Coalition from Akzvoria The RainDrop Pact
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 50 Shield defending Opiachus Grand Coalition from Akzvoria The RainDrop Pact
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 43 Shield defending Selucrayse Grand Coalition from Phyroecia The RainDrop Pact
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 65 Shield defending The RP Wheel of Fate Grand Coalition from Chimoreian Imperial Legion CLXX Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 78 Shield defending -Denji- Grand Coalition from Chimoreian Imperial Legion CCXXIV Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 85 Shield defending Azoreio Grand Coalition from Chimoreian Imperial Legion CCXXV Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 85 Shield defending Chinese Federalist Government Grand Coalition from Chimoreian Imperial Legion CCCLXXXIX Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 38 Shield defending New Alaie Grand Coalition from Chimoreian Imperial Legion CXL Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 66 Strikes on NewTexas Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 740 Launches at NewTexas Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : Great hannara The RainDrop Pact 50 Shield defending Indusse The RainDrop Pact from Fererland Grand Coalition
- : SHIELDBANK 200 Shield defending Indusse The RainDrop Pact from Fererland Grand Coalition
- : SHIELDBANK 200 Shield defending Indusse The RainDrop Pact from Fererland Grand Coalition
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 450 Launches at Indusse The RainDrop Pact
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 450 Targets on Indusse The RainDrop Pact
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 375 Targets on Switz got Lazy 261 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : Geezy For Life Anime Nations Against Liberals 8 Shield defending Geezy For Life Anime Nations Against Liberals from Fererland Grand Coalition
- : Munarabe Anime Nations Against Liberals 36 Shield defending Geezy For Life Anime Nations Against Liberals from Fererland Grand Coalition
- : Geezy For Life Anime Nations Against Liberals 454 Shield defending Geezy For Life Anime Nations Against Liberals from Fererland Grand Coalition
- : Paul wylie Anime Nations Against Liberals 3 Shield defending Geezy For Life Anime Nations Against Liberals from Fererland Grand Coalition
- : Lunaricus Anime Nations Against Liberals 13 Shield defending Geezy For Life Anime Nations Against Liberals from Fererland Grand Coalition
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 514 Launches at Geezy For Life Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 740 Targets on NewTexas Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : Fererland Grand Coalition 325 Shield defending Balagar Grand Coalition from Sherizia Deadline Dodgers
- : Dragonsguard VI Horsemen of the Apocalypse 99 Shield defending 81st Catgirl Division Horsemen of the Apocalypse from Fererland Grand Coalition
- : Dragonsguard V Horsemen of the Apocalypse 124 Shield defending 81st Catgirl Division Horsemen of the Apocalypse from Fererland Grand Coalition