Faction: Anime Nations Against Liberals
Altys5 Economic Specialist DESTROYED
- : Aequidgishva Horsemen of the Apocalypse 6 Strikes on Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : GU 82nd Fleet Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 150 Shield defending Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals from Aequidgishva Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : Nidobhan artisan 170 Anime Nations Against Liberals 37 Shield defending Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals from Orion 071 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : Drago Destroyer 20 Anime Nations Against Liberals 86 Shield defending Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals from Orion 071 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : Aequidgishva Horsemen of the Apocalypse 382 Launches at Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Orion 071 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 123 Launches at Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Aequidgishva Horsemen of the Apocalypse 382 Targets on Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Orion 071 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 123 Targets on Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : The washington federation 2 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 103 Shield defending Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals from Wed Vitana Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : Weitzel Anime Nations Against Liberals 62 Shield defending Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals from Wed Vitana Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : The space-time vortex Anime Nations Against Liberals 35 Shield defending Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals from Wed Vitana Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : Nidobhan artisan 204 Anime Nations Against Liberals 79 Shield defending Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals from Wed Vitana Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : Wed Vitana Horsemen of the Apocalypse 279 Launches at Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Wed Vitana Horsemen of the Apocalypse 279 Targets on Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Pisces 030 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 50 Strikes on Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Arcellia Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 44 Strikes on Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Pisces 030 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 199 Launches at Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Arcellia Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 177 Launches at Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals 37 Shield defending Soyuzneryushimyy Anime Nations Against Liberals from Reddi Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness
- : Pisces 030 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 199 Targets on Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Arcellia Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 177 Targets on Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals 61 Shield defending Ajibola Anime Nations Against Liberals from Soramra VI Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness
- : Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals 89 Shield defending Neo-Cyberborea Anime Nations Against Liberals from Soramra VIII Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness
- : Pisces 100 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 178 Targets on Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Lyra 010 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 275 Targets on Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Ayvari Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 137 Targets on Altys5 Anime Nations Against Liberals