WintercrestWorld Census

The Largest Soda Pop Sector in Wintercrest

The World Census recorded sales of fizzy syrup water in order to determine which nations have the largest beverage industries.

As a region, Wintercrest is ranked 13,055th in the world for Largest Soda Pop Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Free Land of N E B R A S K ACorporate Bordello“Four better than 1. Moneyz good”
2.The Oppressed Peoples of NebarenoIron Fist Consumerists“Forever crippled”
3.The Federal Republic of Sanatan Dharmic Republic of IndiaFather Knows Best State“The Eternal Empire”
4.The Amazonian Queendom of Queen KanaeAnarchy“Sisters Doing It For Themselves”
5.The Allied States of The Unorganized NorthConservative Democracy“Motto”
6.The Grand Duchy of StouffenInoffensive Centrist Democracy“For the Honor and Glory of Stouffen”
7.The Imperium of The Greater United GermanyMoralistic Democracy“United We Stand, Divided We Fall!”
8.The Colony of Neues AsienNew York Times Democracy“We Will Endure”
9.The Grand Emirate of Albania The GloriousIron Fist Consumerists“Ti Shqipėri, mė jep nder, mė jep emrin Shqipėta”
10.The Federation of AthasaliaNew York Times Democracy“Žarfir margra vega žyngra en žarfir fįrra, eša eins.”
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