The West PacificWorld Census

The Nicest Citizens in the West Pacific

World Census sociology experts studied citizens from various nations to determine which seemed most friendly and concerned for others.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 5,895th in the world for Nicest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Smokin Green Land of DiscGolfLandLeft-wing Utopia“May The Course be with you!”
2.The People's Hindu Matriarchy 🚩 of ShaktirajyaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Mata Devi Matrubhumi - Mother Goddess, Motherland 🚩”
3.The Democratic States of CorsetopiaCorrupt Dictatorship“Mew! =^_^=”
4.The Federal Republic of Hamburg NeoLeft-wing Utopia“For The People”
5.The Holy Empire of Muad-DibLeft-wing Utopia“It's the Golden Path or Bloodbath!”
6.The People's Socialist Republic of UrgabahScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Struggle, Solidarity, and Socialism!”
7.The Cyberocracy of KisovecCorrupt Dictatorship“46°08'24.4''N 14°57'51.6''E”
8.The Friendly Republic of SensorlandLeft-wing Utopia“Venu al ni, amikoj!”
9.The Republic of CedenLiberal Democratic Socialists“For the Republic!”
10.The The Wheel Weaves Empire of SindriaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“happily braindead NationStates”
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