The West PacificWorld Census

The Most Conservative in the West Pacific

Citizens in nations ranked highly tend to have greater restrictions placed on what they may do in their personal lives, whether via community values or government-imposed law.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 12,956th in the world for Most Conservative.

NationWA CategoryMotto
51.The Armed Republic of Reichsstaat DiktaturdistanPsychotic Dictatorship“Diktatur”
52.The People's Republic of East OsterlichPsychotic Dictatorship“Obedience is Strength, Strength is Victory!”
53.The Republic of B A B I L O N I APsychotic Dictatorship“B A B I L O N I A”
54.The Free Land of AuswitcIron Fist Consumerists“Gas em”
55.The Holy Empire of NuusutajaMoralistic Democracy“Life is like spaghetti, its hard until you make it”
56.The Dictatorship of HellhollCorporate Police State“Obey”
57.The Dictatorship of Tyranical RulePsychotic Dictatorship“Hail The Ty rant! ”
58.The Empire of Stunning Bir TawilPsychotic Dictatorship“Long Live Lia”
59.The People's Republic of MiktaxIron Fist Consumerists“Deal in Absolutes”
60.The Rogue Nation of MongoPsychotic Dictatorship“Pass through a Death Zone”
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