The West PacificWorld Census

The Most Primitive in the West Pacific

Nations were ranked by World Census officials based on the number of natural phenomena attributed to the unknowable will of animal-based spirit gods.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 19,729th in the world for Most Primitive.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Holy Empire of HaedliaIron Fist Consumerists“For the blessed nation!”
2.The Holy Empire of PuppenPsychotic Dictatorship“Collaboration of Church and State”
3.The Oppressed Peoples of Cuterebra emasculatorDemocratic Socialists“Bzzt bzzt”
4.The Shogunate of WakoshimaPsychotic Dictatorship“The way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death.”
5.The Most Serene Republic of EmmelinicksIron Fist Consumerists“Like a willow, I can bend”
6.The Free Democratic Republic of Everywhere ElseIron Fist Consumerists“Obliviscatur eius”
7.The Invasive scent of Oil PaintsPsychotic Dictatorship“You can smell us two houses over”
8.The Cornfields of NazvandaPsychotic Dictatorship“You suck, im better”
9.The Basket Case of KerkermeisterPsychotic Dictatorship“Stay”
10.The Archipelago of Con NihawitanPsychotic Dictatorship“Peace and Justice”
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