The West PacificWorld Census

The Most Armed in the West Pacific

World Census experts took their lives into their hands in order to ascertain the average number of deadly weapons per citizen.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 7,320th in the world for Most Armed.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The Commonwealth of HyperseptentrionalisIron Fist Consumerists“Equus horribilis”
12.The Right Wing Utopia of OzoiIron Fist Consumerists“☢ What a wonderful day to go to the liquor store! ☢”
13.The Empire of The Federal States of YEPPsychotic Dictatorship“Unity, Justice, Freedom, Loyalty, Endurance”
14.The Nihilist Oligarchy of Corporatist Trusts IncCorporate Police State“Opulentia Über Alles”
15.The Carmine Feline of OccidiusLibertarian Police State“Harumph.”
16.The United States of MicrowavelandiaCorporate Police State“I'm going to give you radiation sickness!”
17.The Kingdom of DemonvineIron Fist Consumerists“Military, Destruction, Loyalty”
18.The United Federal Empire of MonamburgInoffensive Centrist Democracy“If you want peace, prepare for war.”
19.The Commonwealth of WessssexAnarchy“Strength Through Freedom”
20.The United States of ColiderRight-wing Utopia“Freedom through politic's and peace through strength.”
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