The West PacificWorld Census

The Most Income Equality in the West Pacific

World Census boffins calculated the difference in incomes between the richest and poorest citizens, where a score of 50 would mean that poor incomes are 50% of rich incomes.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 12,042nd in the world for Most Income Equality.

NationWA CategoryMotto
3,441.The Borderlands of BazerbaijanInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Be Fanum or Be Taxed”
3,442.The Federal Republic of IszrailCorporate Bordello“We small but strong nation”
3,443.The Kingdom of BarnumIron Fist Consumerists“Faugh a ballagh!”
3,444.The Kingdom of BelgarlandiaCorporate Bordello“God, Homeland, Liberty”
3,445.The Republic of The AthleticsDemocratic Socialists“Moneyball”
3,446.The Colony of The Koi PondNew York Times Democracy“Plip!”
3,447.The Empire of AsbaniasInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Everyone for themself”
3,448.The Grand Duchy of GarestCapitalizt“Strength Through Freedom”
3,449.The People's Republic of Roobs NatfellandCorporate Bordello“From Many, One”
3,450.The Incorporated States of GoguryeaRight-wing Utopia“Economic Stance Of Dominance”
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