The West PacificWorld Census

The Most Income Equality in the West Pacific

World Census boffins calculated the difference in incomes between the richest and poorest citizens, where a score of 50 would mean that poor incomes are 50% of rich incomes.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 11,941st in the world for Most Income Equality.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The Armed Republic of Px18Corrupt Dictatorship“God, Homeland, Liberty”
12.The Most Serene Republic of Lucan UneconomicLiberal Democratic Socialists“WE HATE CASH”
13.The United Socialist States of JahuaraScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Un espíritu para todas las personas”
14.The United Socialist States of Osonia WodLeft-wing Utopia“From Many, One”
15.The Republic of YorkShire Tea BagCorrupt Dictatorship“Let's have a proper Brew”
16.The Most Serene Republic of Using AI SoftwarePsychotic Dictatorship“How Do I Know”
17.The Hovudstad of KeiserholdeLeft-wing Utopia“Ve ar hvem ve ar”
18.The Tundric Peoples of Vynd og MossehattLeft-wing Utopia“Hva har du?”
19.The Queendom of Ligna QuisquiliaeDemocratic Socialists“For diversity and inclusion!”
20.The Federation of DuccolandiaCorrupt Dictatorship“You Can't Stop Progress”
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