The West PacificWorld Census

The Largest Retail Industry in the West Pacific

The World Census estimated levels of employee ennui to determine which nations have the largest retail industries.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 8,919th in the world for Largest Retail Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Empire of Nas CrustiumCorporate Police State“Mundus Lucet in Lumine Imperatoris”
2.The Combined Corporations of Win MintsAnarchy“Noli me tangere”
3.The Commonwealth of HyperseptentrionalisIron Fist Consumerists“Equus horribilis”
4.The Empire of New ScottikaRight-wing Utopia“Believe, Obey, Fight!”
5.The Pandas of Pandaland IILeft-Leaning College State“Prepared”
6.The Lavender Gardens of GiovannilandCorporate Bordello“Viva Giovanniterra!”
7.The OCD Bicyclist of Wickedly evil peopleFather Knows Best State“we are really, really wicked, wanna party?”
8.The Imperium of Of mannnCorporate Police State“Suffer not the alien to live.”
9.The United Federal Empire of MonamburgInoffensive Centrist Democracy“If you want peace, prepare for war.”
10.The Police State of SteveovilleCorporate Police State“All Hail Steve!”
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