The Universal Order of NationsWorld Census

The Most Politically Apathetic Citizens in The Universal Order of Nations

These results were determined by seeing how many citizens of each nation answered a recent World Census survey on the local political situation by ticking the "Don't Give a Damn" box.

As a region, The Universal Order of Nations is ranked 28,325th in the world for Most Politically Apathetic Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Isaurian Republic of Achaian PeloponneseCompulsory Consumerist State“Survive and Remember”
2.The Holy Empire of Tovieson SeaceFather Knows Best State“From Many, One”
3.The Third Empire of Die Osterreichisch GrenzeIron Fist Consumerists“Indivisibiliter ac inseparabiliter”
4.The Second Laconian Empire of KatadinInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Spiritus Praeteriti deducit futurum.”
5.The United Socialist States of StrysnobalPsychotic Dictatorship“The worker is the greatest for he shall inherit all!”
6.The Dictatorship of The butchers confederacyIron Fist Consumerists“More gains, more sacrifices”
7.The Republic of HonoriasIron Fist Consumerists“Unity and Discovery”
8.The Empire of RumeiCorrupt Dictatorship“The Senate And Unconquered People of Rome”
9.The The Star League of TitananiumPsychotic Dictatorship“Gold in peace, weapons in war”
10.The Anti Winx Colony of Anti Winxian LinpheaNew York Times Democracy“Destroy all fairies”