The TWR and NE Puppet DepotWorld Census

The Most Extensive Civil Rights in The TWR and NE Puppet Depot

The citizens of nations ranked highly enjoy a great amount of civil rights, or freedoms to go about their personal business without interference or regulation from government.

As a region, The TWR and NE Puppet Depot is ranked 19,966th in the world for Most Extensive Civil Rights.

NationWA CategoryMotto
61.The Nomadic Peoples of MengoaliaCorrupt Dictatorship“Smith, Shaman, Stud”
62.The Kingdom of YorcasterFather Knows Best State“The Winter of Discontent is here.”
63.The Borderlands of SlobolyciaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“To each his own battle cry!”
64.The Republic of HydramautCompulsory Consumerist State“Yemen is Pelasgian now.”
65.The Contents of My BriefcaseInoffensive Centrist Democracy“File this, please.”
66.The Queendom of WandwaraCompulsory Consumerist State“The people integrated can never be subjugated.”
67.The Federation of AlansFather Knows Best State“Openminded, Chivalrous, Dedicated”
68.The Confederacy of TxikiakCapitalist Paradise“Plus Profunda”
69.The Confederacy of EnchantisFather Knows Best State“Power is in the eye of the beholden.”
70.The Kingdom of RostrovaCapitalist Paradise“Se Ridica in Sus (Soar High)”
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