The South PacificWorld Census

The Largest Pizza Delivery Sector in the South Pacific

World Census staff spent many nights answering the front door in order to measure which nations have the biggest Pizza Delivery industries.

As a region, the South Pacific is ranked 12,202nd in the world for Largest Pizza Delivery Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Empire of HamronicaBenevolent Dictatorship“Mahnamahna”
2.The Kingdom of DarkmenIron Fist Consumerists“gold or lead”
3.The Eternal Misfortune of Pencil Sharpeners 2Father Knows Best State“Stop Reading My Motto!”
4.The Southern-Commonwealth of QezosAnarchy“Unitas et Libertas!”
5.The Seafood Paradise of KohrArCorporate Police State“With oysters we thrive!”
6.The Free Land of OrgazmaAnarchy“Freedom, Love and Ecstasy”
7.The Republic of Lizzy GrantCivil Rights Lovefest“Say yes to heaven”
8.The Unwavering Love of Land With Lots of ShrimpCapitalizt“Can I trade in the children for more cash?”
9.The Oppressed Peoples of DragnaniaCorporate Police State“Escape all the justice!”
10.The Free Land of SuminaPsychotic Dictatorship“Labour and will can make the world a better place”
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