The Rejected RealmsWorld Census

The Most Secular in the Rejected Realms

World Census experts studied which citizens seemed least concerned about eternal damnation, spiritual awakeness, and chakra wellbeing in order to determine the most godforsaken nations.

As a region, the Rejected Realms is ranked 6,620th in the world for Most Secular.

NationWA CategoryMotto
51.The Empire of YngirCorporate Police State“I'm craaaaaaaaazy”
52.The Republic of Soviet Enclave of AmericaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Strength, in our arms.”
53.The Aeon of Life of Old AnarchisticstanLiberal Democratic Socialists“The much needed alter ego.”
54.The Classless Society of HarmosoviaPsychotic Dictatorship“By Workers, From Resources”
55.The Ever Disapproving Republic of Charons DuskPsychotic Dictatorship“You say disappeared, I say endless holiday. Same thing!”
56.The Socialist Empire of MeedvheytDemocratic Socialists“Loyalty and Dedication ensure our Victory.”
57.The Republic of New Moscow 2New York Times Democracy“Let's do it! Meow!”
58.The Dictatorship of NewtekIron Fist Consumerists“Unity, Discipline, Work”
59.The United Socialist States of YenjurgiaDemocratic Socialists“Ex ignoscentia amicitia”
60.The Kingdom at Sea of Independent Isle of ReuceuFather Knows Best State“Ride the wave”
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