The Rejected RealmsWorld Census

The Highest Unexpected Death Rate in the Rejected Realms

The World Census paid their respects at cemeteries in order to determine how likely citizens were to die each year from unnatural causes, such as crime, preventable illness, accident, and government encouragement.

As a region, the Rejected Realms is ranked 5,420th in the world for Highest Unexpected Death Rate.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Dictatorship of Outer DratandiaiaCorporate Police State“Might Makes Right”
22.The Tribal Village of Thaba-TsekaCapitalizt“Freedom is Prosperity”
23.The Necropolis Tyranny of GeckocidronIron Fist Consumerists“No one is above our rule and no one is above our wrath.”
24.The Wasteland of KyallisarFather Knows Best State“Welcome to the future”
25.The Disputed Territories of Everything in rangeAnarchy“Take it or leave it”
26.The Holy Empire of ByzantIron Fist Consumerists“In hoc signo vinces”
27.The Oceanic Federation of GhojinglesDemocratic Socialists“Welcome to the Future!”
28.The Republic of KrollamCapitalist Paradise“From the depths!”
29.The Red and yellow flippy flops of I do not give a flipAnarchy“We don't give a flippin flip”
30.The Armed Republic of Pysch Ward EscapeesAnarchy“Yes I Know Psych Is Spelt Wrong”
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