The Rejected RealmsWorld Census

The Highest Workforce Participation Rate in the Rejected Realms

World Census experts studied the ratings of daytime television chat shows to estimate the percentage of citizens who are employed.

As a region, the Rejected Realms is ranked 22,609th in the world for Highest Workforce Participation Rate.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Not incompetent like Alex of East PlanesLiberal Democratic Socialists“Perlas ng Silanganan”
22.The Republic of LombardiaLiberaDemocratic Socialists“Motto...”
23.The Democratic People's Republic of Bongo NationPsychotic Dictatorship“Perma Rev Yes”
24.The Cosmic Chronicle of Inclement SpaceLeft-wing Utopia“Mhm, it starts.”
25.The Greater Worker's Union of SpodehavenLeft-wing Utopia“Harmony and Progress!”
26.The Uncivilized and Vile Manners of Frattastan IILeft-wing Utopia“Under the cobblestones, the beach.”
27.The Commonwealth of Rubian EmpireCorrupt Dictatorship“God is emperor, the emperor is God”
28.The United Socialist States of YenjurgiaDemocratic Socialists“Ex ignoscentia amicitia”
29.The Dominion of Al SeranFather Knows Best State“To a better tomorrow!”
30.The Wanderer's Haven of Lux PrimaLeft-wing Utopia“All are welcome to walk in the light of the Sun”
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