The Rejected RealmsWorld Census

The Most Rebellious Youth in the Rejected Realms

World Census observers counted the number of times their car stereo was stolen from outside fast food stores to determine which nations have relatively high levels of youth-related crime.

As a region, the Rejected Realms is ranked 23,355th in the world for Most Rebellious Youth.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The Allied States of SchwertlandCivil Rights Lovefest“Shake your the ASS!”
12.The Incorporated States of Small FishCivil Rights Lovefest“Even small fish serve a purpose.”
13.The Free Republic of OxirixCapitalist Paradise“Quam magnum est non laudari, esse et laudabilem!”
14.The Tribal Village of Thaba-TsekaCapitalizt“Freedom is Prosperity”
15.The Republic of Mon SireAnarchy“By The People For The People”
16.The Man for All Seasons of HulldomScandinavian Liberal Paradise“There is a future, oh, thank God!”
17.The Most Serene Republic of Perfect Sublime MastersLeft-Leaning College State“The past is a foreign country.”
18.The Forgotten Kingdom of ArkhaneLibertarian Police State“Fui quod es, eris quod sum”
19.The Democratic States of KatkasistanDemocratic Socialists“Do what you want but do it all for the cat”
20.The Capitalist Democracy of MettzacanoaFather Knows Best State“Taxing you to death since 25th October 2013 AD”
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