The Rejected RealmsWorld Census

The Most Corrupt Governments in the Rejected Realms

World Census officials visited a range of government departments and recorded how frequently bribes were required to complete simple administrative requests.

As a region, the Rejected Realms is ranked 3,667th in the world for Most Corrupt Governments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The Popsicle Pete Nation of ClenchIron Fist Consumerists“NONE OF YOU ARE SAFE!”
12.The Truly Free State of Western ScientificumAnarchy“That's your own problem!”
13.The Technocratic Empire of ClamationIron Fist Consumerists“The Gears of Progress Never Stop”
14.The Nation of Domination of WWE TownIron Fist Consumerists“I OWE YOU ONE PAL”
15.The Incorporated States of Pepsi CoCompulsory Consumerist State“For those that think young.”
16.The Empire of YngirCorporate Police State“I'm craaaaaaaaazy”
17.The Empire of Ever darkIron Fist Consumerists“All is one. All is strife. The worthy rise.”
18.The Democratic Republic of HumbledoniaPsychotic Dictatorship“Death is the great liberator”
19.The Dictatorship of Every Villain Iz LemonsCorporate Police State“EEEEVVVIIILLL!!!!!!”
20.The Empire of All-revolutionary RussiaIron Fist Consumerists“This soil is our blood.”
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