The Rejected RealmsWorld Census

The Most Pacifist in the Rejected Realms

Nations ranked highly pursue diplomatic solutions rather than military ones in the international arena, have small or nonexistent militaries, and peace-loving citizens.

As a region, the Rejected Realms is ranked 16,444th in the world for Most Pacifist.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Federation of FemilandsPsychotic Dictatorship“För Feminist”
22.The Republic of LlanfairpwllgwyngyllgogeLeft-wing Utopia“A chain is only as strong as its weakest link”
23.The Republic of WacmanDemocratic Socialists“Freedom and Justice for all”
24.The Community of CompassioScandinavian Liberal Paradise“In omnibus caritas”
25.The Principality of NioyaDemocratic Socialists“Love of wisdom. Love of honor.”
26.The Dictatorship of RowarriorlandDemocratic Socialists“Be free to oppress your neighbor -mainly Feland-”
27.The Eternal Ranger of KarputskLiberal Democratic Socialists“Honoro, Respectus, Integritas.”
28.The United Socialist States of YenjurgiaDemocratic Socialists“Ex ignoscentia amicitia”
29.The Demoncratic States of SestabolgiaCivil Rights Lovefest“Liberty, equality, debauchery”
30.The Republic of PatradoniaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Freedom and Equality for all”
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