The Region That Has No Big BanksWorld Census

The Most Income Equality in The Region That Has No Big Banks

World Census boffins calculated the difference in incomes between the richest and poorest citizens, where a score of 50 would mean that poor incomes are 50% of rich incomes.

As a region, The Region That Has No Big Banks is ranked 7,318th in the world for Most Income Equality.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The People's Republic of Slightly Newer SamonScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Fish”
2.The Community of AutisimLeft-wing Utopia“Jorts junglasses juman rights”
3.The Elite Ambassador of Working Class EliteLiberal Democratic Socialists“Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime”
4.The Pacific Socialist Federation of AstravicaLeft-wing Utopia“Through hardships to the stars!”
5.The Free Land of Maneki NekoLeft-wing Utopia“Can this wait until tomorrow?”
6.The Federation of Sera VallePsychotic Dictatorship“Strength, Discipline, Work”
7.The Commonwealth of Aloalo MunLeft-wing Utopia“Yay”
8.The Republic of Large BeeLiberal Democratic Socialists“BZZZZZZZZZZ”
9.The Allied States of Oldbay and Joku to KaeffellandAuthoritarian Democracy“Kaeffelland forgana cyurnꞇ̵gung Foso Nogo Taran bendi̧g”
10.The Queendom of Gwen Tracer Allison Eveline Avril OxtonDemocratic Socialists“Cheers, Love. Once more and once again!”
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